18 Photos That Made Me Giggle Like An Idiot
Everybody makes spelling mistakes sometimes. But some spelling mistakes are just so spectacularly wrong — or at least specifically wrong — that they end up being accidentally hilarious. If you don't know what I mean, just check out these over-the-top typos:
1.I hope the flight crews are being screened as well as screamed.
2.Gonna put some of this in my sald.
3.To be fair, Phineas and Ferb both have weird names.
5.With this many attempts, you'd think they would accidentally spell it right.
6.I love how this misspelling has a bit of an accent.
7.Dimensia...is that when you accidentally travel to different dimensions?
8.That's a looooooong storm.
9.Well then I'm sure all the ants are very happy to see him.
10.Lazaniya kinda sounds like a prescription drug to me.
11.Use tongues? Who am I, Ariana Grande? (This joke brought to you by the year 2015.)
12.Oh you will, will you?
13.At least they googled this one.
14.Why does this misspelling sound British to me?
15.And this one just sounds very Southern American.
16.I'm guessing they only bothered to check the spelling on one and not the other.
17.There's just a lot going on here.
18.Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these. Have a hashtag Belssed day.
H/T to r/excgarated