22 Interesting As Hell Photos I Found On The Internet This Week
1.This mailman's hat, which has a solar panel on top that powers its built-in fan:
2.This LIDL parking structure in Crete that casually houses a preserved archaeological site:
3.This view of Antarctica on a flight from Chile to Australia:
4.This person's phone camera, which captures these flames as purple instead of the orange they are IRL:
5.This person's *checks notes* FLESH-EATING SPIDER BITE that turned into a heart-shaped scar, because I guess the spider was a little sorry:
I was today years old when I learned that flesh-eating spiders exist and now I have a new fear!
6.This wall in Lyon, France that — believe it or not — is 100% painted:
Even the balconies?? Like, what?? My brain hurts!!!
7.This seasoning that — yes — is made by the same Dell that makes computers:
8.This house that has its own built-in vacuum system:
Yeah, if my house had this, I would never shut up about it.
9.This battery that can be recharged with a phone charger:
10.This biker's lace safety vest, which puts the fun in functional:
11.This 99-year-old penny that is still in circulation (and certainly looks like it has seen better days):
12.This grocery store that has a self-checkout machine built into their shopping carts:
A socially anxious person's dream!!!!! (It's me, hi!)
13.This literal onion ring:
14.This 20th-century bridge in Aberystwyth, Wales that was built over an 18th-century turnpike, which was also built over a medieval bridge, and kept the latter two visible:
15.These garlic bread-flavored Lay's potato chips from Thailand that I personally need to try, like, immediately:
16.This person, whose hands were dyed yellow and black from harvesting and shucking wild walnuts:
Personally, I did not know walnuts could do that!
17.This fish-shaped ingot used for cooking (like in water you boil for pasta, for example), that, according to the OP, can supplement you with up to five years' worth of iron:
18.This hotel that has a handy vending machine guide to make finding exactly what you're craving super easy:
19.This grocery store in the UK that has special tags you can quietly leave on a cart that has wonky or, uh, not-so-quiet wheels:
Is it just me, or do you also feel like you always get a cart that is doing THE MOST?
20.This couple's wedding receipt from 1961, which cost about $580 total in USD:
21.This person who caught a perfect snowflake in her hair:
22.And finally, this vending machine in Switzerland, that is exclusively for fondue cheeses:
I am looking up flights to Switzerland as we speak!