9 Low-Sugar Desserts That Taste Anything But

When you’re going Paleo, it can be pretty hard to cut out dairy and gluten from your diet. But trying to go easy on the sugar, too? That’s when meltdowns start to happen, even for veterans of the primal lifestyle.

Luckily, it’s really easy to made delicious, satisfying and caveman-friendly desserts that will keep you happy and won’t overload your system. The Paleo diet is all about keeping your blood sugar levels stable, and these desserts will rescue you from those intense, often emotionally driven roller coaster rides of sugar highs and subsequent sugar crashes.

Some doctors have even identified white sugar as poison, robbing your body of necessary vitamins and minerals. By simply replacing factory sweeteners with raw, organic ones, like unfiltered honey or Vermont maple syrup, you’ll feel just as satisfied while also reaping a immunity boosting benefits along the way. Honey also includes antioxidants that are proven to help prevent certain kinds of cancers.

Eating foods high in sugar, including both the good kind and the bad kind, not only causes post-sugar crashes but also may be interfering with weight loss. If your body has excess sugar floating around, your body will use that for energy first. Without those carb freeloaders on board, your body will burn fat deposits all over your body helping you shed those unwanted pounds. Cue the low-sugar dessert plan!

Our Paleo dessert recipes often have a fair amount of healthy fats, like coconut oil, nuts, seeds, nut butters and even grass-fed butter to help boost satiation and to keep your energy levels stable, avoiding that high and low crash.

As we know, however, fat alone cannot be enough to satisfy a sweet tooth. Optimal Paleo dessert recipes often include cinnamon and coconut for their natural sweet flavors and minimal glucose levels. Fruits, especially berries, are a great way to add healthy sweetness to a dessert, while pitted dates can be used to sweeten a brownie or muffin. There are also other tricks up the sleeves of these recipes. We’ve heard of avocado mousse, but sauerkraut brownies? The creative use of veggies, fermented or otherwise, in these low sugar desserts will certainly surprise you.

So now, without further ado, here are nine delicious, low sugar Paleo recipes we’ve collected from inspirational bloggers across the web. We hope some of these make their way to your rotation of favorite treats to prepare.

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