
Ayurveda can help you with weight loss; here's how

Overweight is a concern for lots and lots of people. Many go for drastic weight loss programs and diet plans that keep you in semi-starvation or encourage you to eliminate certain types of foods from your diet.

However, these extreme weight loss programs can harm your body. Ayurveda is the safest option to lose weight without any side effects. It helps to lose weight healthily.


Rice with steamed vegetables. Healthy low calorie vegetarian meal
Rice with steamed vegetables. Healthy low calorie vegetarian meal

What to eat based on doshas?

Ayurveda classifies the body into three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. The vata kind of people are skinny with less muscle development, and they are not likely to gain weight other than belly fat. Pitta people are slim with moderate muscle development. Kapha types are overweight people who are likely to suffer from obesity.

  • Ayurveda recommends starchy vegetables and whole grains for the vata type of body. They can add a little oil to their diet to increase their metabolism.

  • Green vegetables are recommended for the pitta type of body. They should avoid sugar.

  • Steamed vegetables, whole grains, spices, and vegetable juices are recommended for kapha body types. They should avoid sugary foods, dairy, and dairy products.

Photo by alleksana from Pexels
Photo by alleksana from Pexels

What to include and what to avoid for weight loss?

A kapha-pacifying diet is to be followed to eliminate the excess kapha from the body and lose weight. Foods that are dry, light, rough, and digestible are kapha-pacifying.

  • Fruits - Include astringent fruits and avoid very sweet ones.

  • Vegetables - Bitter, rough, and astringent vegetables like spinach, bitter gourd, cabbage, ladies finger, brinjals, etc., should be taken.

  • Spices - Include spices generously.

What are the dietary habits to be followed?

  • Mindful eating - Stay focused on what you are eating. Eat slowly. Chew the food well.

  • Each meal should have six tastes or rasas - sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. The meal should begin with sweet, continue with salty, sour, astringent, bitter, and finish with pungent food.

  • Avoid overeating and starvation.

  • The breakfast should be modest. The lunch should be heavy, and the dinner should be light.

  • Include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet.

  • Avoid processed and cold food. Go for freshly prepared homemade food.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


Ayurveda puts a lot of emphasis on sleep and rest. According to Ayurveda, your body goes through varying forms and levels of energy during the day. The kapha phase is at the peak between 6 pm and 10 pm. Your body tends to feel tired at this time. It is the best time to go to sleep. If not, your body will become wakeful, and you will find it difficult to go to sleep. Your body needs at least 7 hours of sleep. Maintaining a regular bedtime and wake-up routine is essential.



It is essential to take short walks at a moderate pace for about 15 to 20 minutes after each meal. Yoga asanas like dhanurasana, naukasana, matsyasana, bhujangasana, halasana, navasana, trikonasana, and matsyendrasana, etc. and surya namaskar are recommended for weight loss. Pranayama or breathing exercises like bhastrika and kapalbhati are good for weight loss.

Ayurveda does not promise overnight weight loss. It may take time, but the effects last forever. A healthy lifestyle is vital for losing weight and is sure to be effective in the long run. Start your healthy weight loss journey with Ayurveda.

Text: Raddhika Devi