How to make homemade Cadbury Crème Eggs for Easter

Oh those ooey gooey creme-filled eggs full of artificial flavours and cringe worthy preservatives. We bow to you Cadbury Creme Eggs, even if our health does not.

While we worship your decadent flavours, our loyalty to you ends with the discovery of a healthier version of your insides.

Food 52 blog has come up with a Homemade Cadbuy Creme Eggs recipe. Blogger Ashley Rodriguez has adapted a former recipe from and here are the ingredients:

Makes around 15 eggs, depending on size.

½ cup Lyle’s golden syrup
6 tablespoons butter, softened
½ teaspoon salt
3 drops orange blossom water (optional)
1 vanilla bean, seeds removed (optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cup powdered sugar
¼ to ½ teaspoon yellow food coloring
12 ounces dark chocolate, chopped (or 1 bag bittersweet chocolate chips)

For further instructions, visit her blog story at Food 52.

And while on the topic of this year's Easter indulgences, a barman in London recently made headlines for inventing a Creme Egg Mojito cocktail with a whopping 1000 calories.

Mixologist Jack Williams created his concoction that blends rum and chocolate liqueur with smashed-up milk chocolate and fondant treats for the Jewel Bar in Piccadilly Circus, reports the Daily Mail.

We suspect it's as every bit delicious as it sounds. And while there is no exact recipe, Williams outlines in detail how to make to make one here.

What is on your Easter recipe list? Sweet or savory, tell us in the comments.