Child Incest Case Sparks Petition to Remove Judge

From Cosmopolitan

A Montana man who repeatedly raped his 12-year-old daughter was issued just a 60-day jail sentence, according to CNN. With credit for time served, the man could serve as little as 43 days for his crime.

Now, more than 45,000 people have signed a petition demanding the impeachment of the judge who gave the sentence.

“He is just one of many judges who have been caught handing down light sentences to rapists. This must stop and we can only do that by sending a message,” the petition reads. “It is time to start punishing the judges who let these monsters walk our streets. Please sign this petition calling for the impeachment of Judge John C. McKeon.”

The prosecutor recommended a 25-year sentence for the man, who, according to court documents cited by CNN, pleaded guilty to a felony count of incest. (The man’s name is not being reported to protect the identity of the victim.)

Judge McKeon imposed a suspended 30-year prison sentence, which the man will not have to serve if he completes his probation, which includes a sex-offender treatment program and no unsupervised contact with minors.

The girl’s mother wrote a letter to the court saying: "He needs help. He has two sons that still love him and need their father in their lives, even with very understandable restrictions … He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways."

In a statement, the judge agreed, saying treatment offered, "a better opportunity for rehabilitation." In his ruling, the judge said: "The sentence may not be a popular decision by certain members of the general public but it is a just and proper decision given the record before the court and the law the court is sworn to uphold."

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