Can dogs have bananas? Pet owner's guide to safe (and toxic) fruits.

When your dog is under the dinner table begging with those irresistible puppy eyes, it can be hard not to give in and sneak them a bite. Other times, you don't even have the luxury of choice – your fallen scraps are already in their mouth before they hit the floor.

A pet's accidental human food snacking can be anxiety-inducing for owners. Some fruits, like strawberries, are fine in moderation. Others, like grapes, are highly toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea or even kidney failure.

Bananas are a household favorite for humans, but are they safe for our furry friends?

Can dogs eat bananas?

Yes, bananas are safe for dogs to eat, but they shouldn’t be a part of your dog’s regular diet, Purina experts advise. Bananas can act as a treat in small quantities.

In general, owners should be cautious about giving their dogs human food, veterinarian Diana Watkins previously told USA TODAY. Regulated dog food has everything your pup needs for a balanced, nutritional diet.

How much banana can I give my dog?

Only give your dog bananas in small amounts. Bananas can make a good, occasional treat because they are high in potassium, fiber, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. But they also contain a lot of sugar, which can lead to weight gain in excess. The fiber from the peel can also cause digestive problems, Purina says.

Try using bananas to make homemade treats – like these peanut butter banana dog treats or a no-bake frozen peanut butter banana treat.

Do bananas give dogs diarrhea?

They can. Bananas contain a lot of fiber and sugar, which can cause diarrhea. Every dog is different, but it's best to play it safe and limit their consumption to only a small amount.

Can dogs eat banana peels?

Some fruit peels, like oranges, are toxic to dogs. This isn't the case with banana peels, so you can breathe a sigh of relief if your dog accidentally gobbles one up. But while technically safe, the fiber from the peels may cause an upset stomach, according to the American Kennel Club.

What fruits can dogs eat?: See the full list of safe and toxic foods

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Can dogs eat bananas? Keep your pup healthy with these tips.