Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

We love studies like this one that affirm the positive effects of our nightly glass or two of wine, but, as you’re likely well aware, there are absolutely not-so-positive results that come with drinking. We’re talking weight gain (especially in the abdominal area, which is particularly dangerous), disrupted sleep, dull skin… the list goes on. And while we believe in “everything in moderation,” taking a break from alcohol may be exactly what you need in order to reach your health and fitness goals. “Giving up alcohol does usually result in weight loss, particularly around the waistline,” says Parsley Health San Francisco Medical Director Dr. Tiffany Lester. “This type of weight gain can be the most impactful on our health given that increased waist circumference is one risk factor for heart disease.” She says that reducing visceral fat (the fat that lies underneath our abdominal muscles and surrounds our internal organs) is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Whatever your personal reasons for cutting back on alcohol, there are many benefits to be gained from going sober. Here, Dr. Lester walks us through the changes that happen in your body when you cut out alcohol for a month.