Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for February

scorpio zodiac sign
Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for FebruaryHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • February 5: Full Moon in Leo

  • February 11: Mercury enters Aquarius

  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces

  • February 19: New Moon in Pisces

  • February 19: Venus enters Aries

You’re in an even more private mood than usual, Scorpio. Aquarius season has you stepping away from the limelight and focusing on me time. Rest, solitude, and spending time with loved ones are your main priority. You’re moving through a reflective time getting ready to release part of the past—but that of course requires time to process. The month starts off with some unexpected news about either your living situation or your family. You may be ready to break free from expectations placed on you by family members or simply could feel called to move somewhere new. The skies are spicier than usual on February 4 when Venus in Pisces smashes into Mars in Gemini. This is a great day to spend some time between the sheets or focus on your creative projects or hobbies. You deserve some fun!

The Full Moon in Leo on February 5 marks a dramatic turning point in your career or with your public reputation. You could be finishing a big project, leaving a role, accepting a promotion, or sharing a big life event. Regardless—this is a notable moment! You may feel like there are more eyes on you than usual, and that’s because there are! There are important people paying attention to you, and they recognize your unique gifts. You may finally feel ready to put share something you’ve kept hidden for some time on February 10 when Mercury and Pluto meet in Capricorn. It’s almost like you’re excavating your mind and ready to face any fears, anxieties, or pieces of your past that you’re ready to release. Mercury quickly enters Aquarius on February 11, which will again have you craving solitude again. The past is on your mind, and you may be ready to understand it in a new way while extending past versions of yourself compassion and grace.

All of this reflection might be making you feel more vulnerable, but that’s healthy! It’s important to feel your feelings—that’s how you know you're processing them and moving forward. On February 15, Venus and Neptune meet in Pisces, bringing romance, compassion, and depth to your connections. This is sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of energy so go ahead and get lost in a fantasy. That being said, it will be easier to miss red flags today, so proceed with caution if it all seems too good to be true.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, kicking off Pisces season 2023, and any fog that’s been lingering clears. You’re feeling more adventurous and ready to embrace all life has to offer. Fun, pleasure, and romance are all activities that feel important to elevate at this time.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 19 invites you to manifest a new lover into your life! Today also marks a fresh chapter around creative pursuits, hobbies, and love. Let your inner child sit in the driver’s seat for a while. On the same day, Venus enters Aries and any projects you’re working on at work or in your personal life receive some support and recognition. Your schedule may be busier than normal, but you’re filling it with activities that feed your physical, mental, and spiritual self. It’s also an aligned time to experiment with your beauty routine and try some new looks!

The month’s final major astrological moment takes place on February 21 when Mercury in Aquarius crashes into Uranus in Taurus. You may feel called to set boundaries or share something you’ve kept close to yourself for some time...or maybe someone in your family shares some unexpected news with you. This is liberating energy that encourages risk-taking, so follow your heart. You deserve to express yourself!

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