SNL's Final Clinton-Trump Debate Spoof Is the Best One Yet


Wednesday's final presidential debate was unsurprisingly a comedy gold mine for Saturday Night Live. The show cold-opened with its last excellent debate sketch, starring Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump and Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton. Tom Hanks played moderator/voice of reason Chris Wallace.

Everything made it into the 9-minute sketch: Trump's "bad hombres," "nasty woman," and abortion remarks; Clinton's Wikileaks email question dodging; and the audience/universe's laughter at Trump's "nobody has more respect for women than I do" quip. But the best exchange came toward the end, when the show tackled Trump's refusal to commit to accepting the results of the election if he loses. The dialogue didn't need to be tweaked much:

Tom Hanks as Chris Wallace: It has become very clear that you're probably going to lose.

Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump: Correct.

Hanks as Wallace: Now when you do will you accept the results of the election?

Baldwin as Trump: I will look at it at the time because frankly, this whole thing is rigged. Even the media, every day I turn on the news and all of the newscasters are making me look so bad.

Hanks as Wallace: And how are we doing that?

Baldwin as Trump: By taking all of the things I say, and all of the things I do and putting them on TV.

Photo credit: YouTube
Photo credit: YouTube

Then McKinnon shut it down with her closing remarks as Clinton: "Listen, America, Donald Trump cannot be president," she started. "He would be a disaster, a failure, a complete F. And America, you deserve better than an F. So on November 8th, vote for me, and I promise I will be a stone cold B."

Watch it in full:

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