
  • NewsSimone Olivero

    Watch: Couple parody Adele’s ‘Hello’ to express hilarious weight loss struggles

    Losing weight is hard. Especially at this time of year when everywhere you turn there’s a cookie exchange or office potluck ready to derail your diet. One couple felt so strongly about their struggle that they decided to put it into song, and the result is just too good. 

  • NewsCaleigh Rykiss

    How CrossFit is teaching women to love their curves

    Thanks to veteran tennis star Serena Williams winning her 6th Wimbledon championship this summer, the conversation surrounding her powerhouse figure has surfaced yet again. A number of recent articles imply that Williams’s muscular frame is unfeminine and unappealing. As for what Williams, who covers the most recent issue of New York Magazine in a form-fitting black dress, has to say: “I’m really happy with my body type, and I’m really proud of it.

  • NewsCaleigh Rykiss

    How to incorporate CrossFit into your everyday workout

    For a lot of people, the thought of joining a CrossFit class for the very first time can seem slightly intimidating. Most of us, whether beginner or advanced, are familiar with the first three but the latter two are a little less common for the average exerciser.