Free The Nipple

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Teen told to put Band-Aids on her niρρles so she wouldn't distract boys at school

    “The dean told me it was to save myself from my own embarrassment," says Lizzie Martinez, 17. "If it truly was that, the students that were talking about me, that should have been addressed and not me.”

  • EntertainmentErica Rae Chong

    Ontario woman banned from Facebook over photos of nipple tattoos for breast cancer survivors

    This isn’t the first time Margeaux Collyer has been banned on Facebook for posting images of breasts. Last week, the London, Ont. woman was kicked off the site for the third time, and had over 95 images removed because of visible nipples violating Facebook’s guidelines. Collyer is a micropigment artist who works with breast cancer survivors who have undergone breast reconstruction to creates 3-D areola nipple tattoos.

  • NewsCaleigh Rykiss

    Is Playboy’s ban on full-frontal nudity empowering -- or a step backwards?

    Somewhere pigs must be flying and hell my have just frozen over because Playboy has just announced that it will no longer be publishing nude photos. Ex-squeeze me?! Yes, Hef and his merry mansion men have decided that, thanks to the prevalence and availability of provocative content on the Internet, the novelty of their infamous playmate has lost it’s impact. In many ways Playboy revolutionized the publishing industry when it debuted in 1953, featuring Marilyn Monroe on the cover.