
  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    Night owls could be at greater risk of an early death

    Researchers said that it's not night owls that need to change, but society.

  • NewsMarie-Claire Dorking

    Afternoon Siesta Anyone? Experts Believe We Should Be Sleeping Twice A Day

    Experts believe that actually sleeping once a day at night isn’t actually beneficial to us. In an article published in the Conversation, Dr Melinda Jackson, a psychologist who specialises in sleep disorders at RMIT University, and Siobhan Banks, sleep researcher at the University of South Australia suggest that so-called segmented, or bi-modal sleeping was actually par for the course way back when.

  • NewsAlice Sholl

    This Is Probably Why You’re Struggling To Fall Asleep

    The study carried out at the University of Pennsylvania said: ‘If someone goes to sleep at 11pm and wakes up at 5am (versus an intended 7:30am), they [should] start their day, rather than lie awake in bed. Director of the Penn Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program Michael Perlis PhD said: ‘Those with insomnia typically extend their sleep opportunity (aka lie in bed for longer).