Who Was The Biggest "Red Flag" Client You've Ever Had As A Wedding Vendor?
Weddings can be incredibly joyful occasions full of love. Unfortunately, they can also be wildly stressful for everyone involved, including wedding staff who have to deal with nightmare clients.
So, if you're a wedding worker, I want to know all about the worst client you've ever worked with.
Maybe you had to deal with a bride or groomzilla who got a little too tipsy during their own wedding and proceeded to yell and blame you for every little thing that went wrong.
You might've even run into a very awkward situation and saw your client cheat on their soon-to-be spouse. Maybe you even had to listen to a confession from someone who was having cold feet and didn't want to get married.
Maybe the problem wasn't a bride or groom at all, but rather an entitled in-law or angry wedding party. You may have even been asked to do a task way outside your job description.
Whatever your nightmare situation was, I want to know all about it. If you're a wedding worker, comment below your worst experience with a client and the details of what happened. You can also fill out this form if you prefer to remain anonymous. Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!