11 Dermatologists on the Supplements They Take for Their Own Skin and Hair

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Sabine Villiard / Trunk Archive

If you’ve stepped into a beauty retailer lately and had to double-check that you hadn’t wandered into a GNC by mistake, you’d be forgiven for the confusion. The rows of pills, powders, and potions that dominate the beauty aisles can now rival the assortment found at health and nutrition shops.

The popularity of supplements has exploded in the past five years, with revenue reaching $41.2 billion in 2024. Sales are only expected to climb, with estimates of over $70 billion by 2031. And amidst a deluge of Google searches for sleep aids and hormone support, there’s also a significant increase in year-over-year searches for supplements around hair loss, mature skin, crepey skin, and brittle nails.

Those searches may result in more “serious” options than just the influencer-peddled gummy bears that claim to give you Rapunzel-length hair through a dubious blend of pseudo-science and cotton candy-colored wishes. But no corner of the supplement market is subject to regulation—even the “serious” ones. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which must be tested and approved by the FDA before they go to market, “there are no provisions for FDA approval of dietary supplements for efficacy and safety before they reach the consumer,” says Ava Shamban, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in Santa Monica. “There are often grossly exaggerated promises that popping a supplement has benefits beyond basic health and system support.”

Understandably, many dermatologists are skeptical of recommending supplements to their patients. “I try to talk to my patients about healthful overall routines that include things like staying hydrated, using broad spectrum SPF sunscreen daily, keeping your skin well moisturized, trying to eat a diet that's rich in antioxidants,” says Elizabeth Hale, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City. Adds Dr. Shamban, “Supplements are best for those with deficiencies—patients who eat a less-than-ideal diet including too many processed foods or those who don't shop the perimeter of the grocery store and are getting less than the necessary servings of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. And, nothing can replace visiting your board-certified medical professional when you have an issue with skin, nails, or hair for evaluation, assessment, and treatment plan.”

So are dermatologists themselves eschewing this entire category in their own hair, skin, and nail routines? Well, not necessarily. We asked 11 of them, all board-certified doctors with many years of experience, if they pop any of these pills (or gummies or tinctures) themselves. The answer in most cases was yes. Keep reading to find out what these experts are swallowing and why. (None of these doctors have had a financial relationship with any of these companies, except in the two instances noted.)

Naana Boakye, MD, MPH, FAAD, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Supplement Regimen: Nutrafol, Heliocare Advanced, Metagenics OmegaGenics Fish Oil EPA-DHA, Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 & K2; $2,524.08 a year ($2,200.18 with subscriptions)

“I take Nutrafol, omega-3 fatty acids, Heliocare Advanced, pumpkin seed oil capsules, and vitamins D3 & K2. Nutrafol targets key causes of hair thinning, such as stress, hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation. I first encountered it through clinical studies presented at dermatology conferences and recommendations from peers in the field. I’ve been recommending it for many years and, for patient convenience, now carry it in my practice. While I’ve only started Nutrafol myself recently, my patients frequently report improved hair thickness and reduced shedding after consistent use. And multiple clinical studies validate Nutrafol’s claims, like a 2018 study in The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology that demonstrated significant improvements in hair growth and thickness in women after six months of use.

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA and their metabolites, have powerful anti-inflammatory effects that are essential for overall skin health. They help strengthen the skin barrier, improving hydration and reducing dryness. Research shows they can also soothe inflammation, making them particularly beneficial for conditions like eczema, psoriasis, wound healing, and acne. I also appreciate the metabolites' role in enhancing the body’s natural defenses against environmental stressors such as UV radiation. Omega-3s are present in fatty fish, but it’s difficult and expensive to consistently consume the necessary amounts of EPA and DHA to achieve therapeutic benefits. A high-quality supplement ensures steady, optimal intake for skin and hair health. I’ve personally noticed enhanced skin hydration and reduced dryness during colder months since I've been taking omega-3 supplements. Many of my patients have also seen improvements in eczema symptoms and nail strength. I only recommend pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 supplements that undergo rigorous third-party testing for purity and potency, ensuring consistent, safe, and effective results. I take Metagenics.

I’ve been taking Heliocare Advanced for about two years now. It’s one of the few oral antioxidants with strong clinical evidence supporting its ability to reduce UV-induced skin damage. It has been particularly beneficial for me in managing my melasma. I still wear sunscreen daily, but it provides an extra layer of protection against hyperpigmentation.

A blood test revealed that I have low vitamin D levels, which is common for many people, especially those who diligently use sunscreen. I now take D3 along with K2. There is strong clinical evidence supporting vitamin D3’s role in improving hair and skin health and managing conditions like psoriasis; K2 complements D3 by aiding absorption. I like Pure Encapsulations because the capsules are small and easy to take, and the brand is known for its high-quality, tested supplements. Since taking them consistently for the past five years, I’ve noticed that my hair feels healthier and stronger.”


$88.00, Amazon


$40.00, Amazon

OmegaGenics Fish Oil EPA-DHA

$49.00, Metagenics

Vitamin D3 & K2

$34.00, Pure Encapsulations

Morgan Rabach, MD, FAAD, New York City

Supplement Regimen: None; $0 a year

“I personally do not take any supplements, because I have a very varied diet. I feel like in America, if you're eating meat, fish, veggies, fruits—all the colors of the rainbow—that is the best way to absorb the essential nutrients that we need. Even when we take supplements, they're not metabolized and absorbed in the same way that food is in our bodies. I remember an attending [physician] when I was in medical school, back in the early [aughts], being like, ‘All this stuff is just expensive pee.’ You can rack up a very high bill of supplements and wind up peeing it all out. If you have an extreme diet—you're vegan or a vegetarian for years—there are certain vitamins that you may need to take for supplementation like iron, folate, and B12. But if you are eating the rainbow and you're eating meat, you really shouldn't need to take a supplement. Having said that, I do a lot of hair transplants and have a lot of patients that have hair loss. I do think that in some patients supplementation with biotin works wonders.

Supplements are not very scientifically regulated and the data is not a slam dunk. If you want to try them, go ahead and see how you feel after three or four months—don't get a year's supply. I've seen people with side effects from supplementation and from protein powders. Our bodies aren't meant to get crazy amounts of things that you just drink in a powder. The other thing that I say to my patients, especially for hair, is that if you’re a normal person and you just want to take a tried-and-true multivitamin, okay, just take a regular multivitamin. I really don't usually recommend any of the branded expensive hair and nail ones. I'm a big research science nerd, and I understand a vitamin deficiency. If you have an iron deficiency and you take an iron supplement, you could see the numbers go up. There are metrics you could follow to be like, okay, this is a reasonable thing to do. But if there’s some new flavor of the month potion, like cinnamon for hair supplementation, I don't see the data behind it. I don't care what fancy celebrity you've paid to endorse it. I love my patients and if I'm not going to believe in it myself, I'm not going to give it to you.”

Mona Gohara, MD, Hamden, Connecticut

Supplement Regimen: Heliocare Advanced; $479.88 a year

“I’ve taken Heliocare Advanced for about five years, ever since I became aware of a study showing its benefits for people with melasma. It contains polypodium leucotomos extract (PLE) and works as an oral antioxidant that helps protect the skin from UV damage by neutralizing free radicals. Polypodium leucotomos extract isn’t readily available in the diet—the levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds it provides are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve through natural food sources alone. Heliocare doesn’t replace sunscreen but adds a layer of systemic protection.

Since I started taking it, I’ve noticed reduced skin redness after prolonged sun exposure, my skin feels less reactive, and my overall complexion appears more even, especially in areas prone to sun-induced pigmentation. It has helped my melasma tremendously. Unlike many supplements that rely on anecdotal evidence, Heliocare is backed by peer-reviewed research. It’s manufactured with consistent quality standards, and its mechanisms are clearly understood.”


$40.00, Amazon

Nazanin Saedi, MD, Philadelphia

Supplement Regimen: Nutrafol; $1,056 a year ($844 with a subscription)

“I heard about Nutrafol from a colleague who used it after having postpartum hair loss, and have been recommending it for the past five years. A few months ago, I started taking the vegan formula myself, and I see a noticeable difference in the fullness, strength, and shininess of my hair. Hair shedding and loss is a complex issue and can stem from many potential causes including genetics, stress, hormonal changes, tight hairstyles, vitamin deficiencies, sudden or severe illness, and certain medications. As a dermatologist, I often see stress as a big contributor to sudden, unexpected hair loss—and the added stress of seeing your hair shed can create a frustrating cycle.

Instead of focusing solely on stimulating growth, Nutrafol helps address the stressors and inflammation that contribute to shedding. It’s made with ingredients that help reduce inflammation, boost your body’s natural stress response, protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, and counteract the effects of DHT—a hormone that can shrink hair follicles and contribute to hair loss. In the most recent study of Nutrafol’s vegan formula, a large majority of patients reported an improvement in the strength, texture, and overall nourishment of their hair. And there are a few studies that show statistically significant improvement in the fullness of the hair after taking the supplements. The studies done have been funded by Nutrafol, but they are randomized placebo-controlled studies, which are a gold standard in evidence-based science. The only downside to Nutrafol is that the pills can be large and tough to swallow. I typically recommend it as part of a multifaceted approach to hair growth. While it provides excellent support to hair health and regrowth, combining it with treatments like topical Rogaine and red light therapy ensures a comprehensive strategy for achieving the best results.”


$88.00, Amazon

Daniel Belkin MD, New York City

Supplement Regimen: Elysium Basis, Elysium Mosaic; $1,800 a year ($1,200 with a subscription)

“There are two supplements that I have found that I like, both are from a brand called Elysium Health. The first is Basis, which is nicotinamide riboside, a vitamin related to B3 that has been shown to increase circulating levels of NAD+. NAD+ is important for cellular energy and declines with age. There is also good evidence that vitamin B3 supplementation helps prevent skin cancer. The second is Mosaic, which is a mix of carotenoids, most importantly lycopene, which can increase collagen production and reduce collagen breakdown. I discovered these when I went to an event and saw that a mentor of mine was involved in the company and their research: Rick Granstein, who is the chair of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medicine, where I went to medical school. I've been taking both supplements myself on and off for about a year to protect and maintain collagen and elastin (Mosaic) and support collagen and ceramide synthesis (Basis). Have I seen results? No, but I wouldn’t expect to in this time frame. The hope is that they will slow the aging process, but it’s a leap of faith. I trust Dr. Granstein and his research, so I’m comfortable taking these. I don’t have an identical twin to compare myself to in five years, but hopefully if I did, I’d be ahead of the game.”


$60.00, Amazon


$90.00, Amazon

Shereene Idriss, MD, New York City

Supplement Regimen: Nutrafol, Nature Made Prenatal Vitamins; $1,379.88 a year ($1,135.48 with subscriptions)

“I’ve been using Nutrafol for over a year. I was first introduced to it two or three years ago by my patients—they kept telling me that they love it and their hair is thicker, fuller, and overall healthier after using it. I started carrying it in my office once I tried it myself. I specifically like the vegan version as it’s biotin-free. Biotin is not helpful for hair loss if you are not biotin deficient. Taking excess biotin without a deficiency can be harmful, potentially interfering with thyroid test results and leading to medications you do not need.

Another option that I’ve recommended in the past specifically for hair loss—but it can be beneficial for skin and nail health as well—is prenatal vitamins. I started taking them when I was pregnant and continued taking them post-pregnancy, though I’m currently only taking Nutrafol. I have used Nature Made Prenatal Vitamins which help support skin health. It’s basically a multivitamin with various key nutrients. Folic acid aids in cell turnover, iron enhances oxygen delivery, and calcium supports skin barrier function. Vitamin D reduces inflammation, vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, and vitamin A regulates cell growth. Zinc contributes to wound healing and oil regulation.”


$88.00, Amazon

Prenatal Folic Acid Vitamins

$36.00, Amazon

Elizabeth Hale, MD, New York City

Supplement Regimen: Isdin SunIsdin; $684 a year

“I take the Isdin SunIsdin supplement in the summer every day, and when I'm on a beach or ski vacation. It mostly contains a combination of antioxidants—vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea leaf extract, grapeseed extract, and, importantly, carotenoids. Ultraviolet exposure generates free radicals and free radicals wreak havoc on our skin. They get in, they break down DNA, they break down collagen, they break down elastin. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. The other reason I'm a big fan of this product is polypodium leucotomos extract. It’s derived from a fern from South America, and contains an endogenous photo protective factor. It by no means replaces sunscreen—depending what you read, it offers an SPF of about four—but at least it gives a baseline level of protection and helps to neutralize some of those free radicals.

We used to say it was extreme patients—patients with lupus, patients with xeroderma pigmentosum—who would need ingestible UV protection. But now we're realizing it's all skin types. Skin cancer remains the most common cancer diagnosed in the United States, and we know that 90 percent of skin cancers are associated with sun exposure. In addition to that, 90 percent of the signs of premature skin aging, brown spots, fine lines, and uneven texture are also associated with unprotected sun exposure. The Isdin SunIsdin supplement is an additional way to diminish that damage.”


$57.00, Amazon

Elyse Love, MD, New York City

Supplement Regimen: Nutrafol; $1,056 a year ($844 with a subscription)

“I personally take and recommend Nutrafol supplements to my patients for over five years now. I discovered it at a medical conference where they were presenting their data. Nutrafol delivers noticeable results for those with early hair thinning or shedding. Some people who are sensitive to biotin may notice increased breakouts, but otherwise side effects are rare.

I tell patients the first thing they’ll notice, around three months, is that their hair feels overall stronger when they’re washing it. The second phase, around six months, is less shedding and tons of short hairs starting to fill in, and the third stage is an increased density of the hair.

This company is physician-founded and was mostly physician-dispensed before going direct to consumer. There’s a higher bar to meet when a brand decides to be physician-dispensed because physicians want data and consistency that we can compare to prescription drugs.” [Editor’s note: Dr. Love has not worked with Nutrafol in the past, but will have a social media partnership with the brand later this year.]


$88.00, Amazon

Hadley King, MD, New York City

Supplement Regimen: BioSil Collagen Generator, BodyHealth PerfectAmino Tablets; $1,064.40 a year ($818.46 with a subscription)

“Two supplements that I take daily and recommend to my patients are BioSil Collagen Generator and BodyHealth PerfectAmino Tablets. I’ve been taking BioSil for about two years and BodyHealth for about six months. BioSil offers a different option than the popular collagen peptides for supporting collagen, as well as elastin and keratin. It contains choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, which stimulates the body's production of collagen, elastin, and keratin, and also protects existing collagen from degradation. University-conducted, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals demonstrated statistically significant results, including improvements in skin elasticity, wrinkles, and fine lines. BodyHealth Perfect Amino Tablets contain pure essential amino acids in a form and ratio that is up to 99 percent utilized by the body to build new proteins, muscle, and collagen. This is much more efficient and effective than taking a collagen supplement, plus it's vegan. Like any other protein we consume, collagen gets broken down by our digestive process and our body uses the building blocks as it needs. So it's not that collagen is bad—we need to consume protein and collagen is a protein. But it's not like a magical thing where collagen consumed equals new collagen in our skin—it gets used as our body needs it, and it's generally not in a form that our body can use 100 percent. Also, and I'm biased here because I'm vegan, but taking collagen is pretty gross if you consider the sourcing—usually the bones, cartilage, skin, muscles, and connective tissue of animals, including cattle, chickens, fish, horses, pigs or rabbits.”

Collagen Generator

$60.00, Amazon

PerfectAmino Tablets

$49.00, Amazon

Ava Shamban, MD, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica

Supplement Regimen: Xtressé Hair Therapy, Dr. Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution; $1,006.68 a year

Xtressé Hair Therapy is something new on the market that I have been testing personally and selling in the office to patients. [Xtresse is only available through professional offices.] It's formulated by a top dermatologist in hair restoration. Xtressé includes a range of key plant-based extracts and regenerative compounds including saw palmetto, pumpkin, and taurine along with NAD+, ashwagandha, horsetail and micronutrients [vitamins A, B6, C, D3, E, magnesium, niacin, zinc]. It is much newer than Nutrafol and there is significantly less data. But nothing will work if patients are not compliant and Nutrafol is a hard pill to swallow—literally. Taking four large pills a day is difficult for some patients and there is an odor that some find offensive. Xtressé are gummies—easy to transport, simple to chew and swallow, and actually like candy, strawberry flavored and low in sugar.

Their focus is on reducing inflammation caused by cellular stressors—a key issue with healthy hair growth. It also includes NAD+ support, which is new and helps mitochondrial functions that naturally decline with age and shows promise for many biological processes, including the idea of improving hair follicle health. Taurine also plays a role in mitochondrial functionality and protection. We do need more clinicals, but it is promising and developed by a qualified group of physicians.

I also take magnesium—but not as a pill. Magnesium is better absorbed through the skin so it can bypass the digestive system. Taking a good old fashioned epsom salt bath is one of my favorite ways to relax, ease sore muscles from a workout, and maximize my magnesium levels. Plus, it's heaven. Dr. Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution Relax & Relief with Eucalyptus and Spearmint is a favorite of mine, but look for an epsom salt labeled with 100% magnesium sulfate. Aim for a 15-minute soak with two cups of the mineral at a moderately hot temperature for best results.

Magnesium is a mineral that is crucial for many of our bodily functions, and many women are deficient, so inflammation and conditions resulting from chronic inflammation as well as a risk of osteoporosis is higher. It also helps to oxygenate the skin and scalp, eliminates dryness and irritation as well as supports sleep, the time when our skin cells work on repair. As someone who is a year-round fitness seeker—skiing, hiking, walking on the beach—this has been my go to for years and I see great improvements in dry skin like keratosis pilaris (KP) through reduced inflammation and irritation as well as increased hydration and skin barrier function.”

Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution

$6.00, Amazon

Hope Mitchell, MD, FAAD, Perrysburg, Ohio

Supplement Regimen: Nutrafol Core, Nutrafol Hairbiotic, Nutrafol Stress Adaptogen, Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega + CoQ10, Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3; $2,375.28 a year ($2,163.28 with a subscription)

“As a dermatologist, I understand the potential benefits of targeted supplementation, particularly when addressing deficiencies or underlying factors that can contribute to hair, skin, or nail concerns. But I approach them with a discerning eye, prioritizing products backed by clinical research and high-quality ingredients. I've taken several beauty-specific supplements consistently since 2020: Nutrafol Core Supplement, Nutrafol Hairbiotic, Nutrafol Stress Adaptogen, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. I first learned about Nutrafol through professional dermatology conferences and clinical studies, which highlighted their multi-targeted approach to addressing hair health. Similarly, my medical training emphasized the importance of omega-3 and vitamin D for overall health, and I became increasingly interested in their beauty benefits through continued education and patient experiences. [Editor’s note: Dr. Mitchell has done compensated speaking engagements and social media partnerships with Nutrafol in the past.]

Nutrafol Core Supplement addresses multiple causes of hair thinning, including stress, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and nutritional deficiencies. Nutrafol Hairbiotic promotes gut health and nutrient absorption, which are critical for hair wellness, and Nutrafol Stress Adaptogen reduces cortisol levels and helps the body adapt to stress, one of the leading causes of hair thinning. Omega-3 supplements—I take Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega + CoQ10—help reduce inflammation, support scalp health, and nourish hair follicles, leading to stronger, shinier hair. And vitamin D3—I take Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3—supports the hair follicle cycle, ensuring healthy growth and addressing deficiencies that can lead to hair loss.

Since taking these supplements, my hair feels stronger and more resilient, with significantly reduced shedding, even during periods of stress. I’ve also observed improved thickness and density, and my hair appears healthier and shinier overall. These results are consistent with what many of my patients report after three to six months of regular use. I also handle stress better and my temperament feels more even.”


$88.00, Amazon


$98.00, Nutrafol (Monthly Subscription, Duo with Nutrifol Women)

Stress Adaptogen

$110.00, Nutrafol (Duo with Nutrafol Women)

Ultimate Omega + CoQ10

$30.00, Nordic Naturals

Vitamin D3

$20.00, Amazon

At What Price

Just like skin care, supplements are about consistency. The dermatologists interviewed here all agreed that you need to take a supplement for at least three to four months in order to see the benefits touted by the clinical studies they reference. These are the average costs for a year’s supply of each of the supplements recommended in this story.

  • Nutrafol Hair Growth Nutraceutical, $1,056 a year ($844 with a subscription)

  • Nutrafol Hairbiotic, $264 *sold in bundles with Nutrafol Hair Growth Nutraceutical

  • Nutrafol Stress Adaptogen, $264

  • Elysium Basis NAD+ Cellular Health & Optimization, $720 ($480 with a subscription)

  • Elysium Mosaic Skin Aging & Collagen Support, $1,080 ($720 with a subscription)

  • Heliocare Advanced, $479.88

  • Biosil Collagen Generator, $525 ($359.94 with a subscription)

  • BodyHealth PerfectAmino Tablets, $539.40 ($458.52 with a subscription)

  • Metagenics OmegaGenics Fish Oil EPA-DHA 1000mg, $585 ($473.10 with a subscription)

  • Genestra Brands Pumpkin Capsules, $374.40

  • Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 & K2, $403.20

  • Xtressé Hair Therapy Nutrient Gummies, $936

  • Dr. Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution Relax & Relief with Eucalyptus and Spearmint, $70.68 (for one 3-pound bag per month)

  • Isdin SunIsdin, $684

  • Nature Made Prenatal Folic Acid + DHA, $323.88 ($291.48 with a subscription)

  • Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega + CoQ10, $491.40

  • Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3, $299.88

Read more about dermatologists' personal routines:

Originally Appeared on Allure