13 Underestimated College Majors To Consider If You Want A Fulfilling Career

Recently, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the underrated college majors that set them up for a great career.

Here are 13 of their top answers:

1."Mathematics or actuarial studies. If you have the aptitude, they have the money."

"The limit does not exist!"

2."Any engineering technology degree! Most people walk into six-figure careers straight out of getting their first degree, and a lot of colleges that offer ET degrees also help set up a ton of internships and networking opportunities, basically guaranteeing a job out of college."

Screenshot from "The Big Bang Theory"

3."My economics teacher showed us a chart that compared the income of economists vs. engineers. While lots of engineers make a lot of money, they kind of plateau. There's basically no cap to how much an economist can make."

Screenshot from "Crazy Rich Asians"

4."My partner got a degree in technical writing. Her starting salary after the contract to hire period was up was $105,000 plus stock, and she had just two years of prior experience."

Closeup of Brie Larson

5."Public health; it is so needed and so important."

Screenshot from "SNL"

6."Most people have to ask what my major is when I tell them my degree, but radiologic technology. In layperson's terms, I am an X-ray tech. Most rad tech programs are two-year associate degrees, and you can go right into the field. You do clinical work throughout the two-year program, and a lot of places will hire their students straight after graduation because they've essentially trained you for two years."

A radiology worker behind a computer

7."Welding! If you're good at it, you'll make bank, and even if you're mediocre, you'll always have a job."

A welder at work

8."Today it's assumed that an English major is worthless. After being pre-med for a while, I shifted to English, then got a master's in Human Relations. Imagine that. When I went to my first wife's father for permission to marry her, he rejected me saying that I could never support her. Surprise! Mostly people with STEM degrees don't know how to write. I spent 30 years writing for the US Congress about biomedical research for the National Institutes of Health and expanded to a tour with the US Senate."

Screenshot from "Ugly Betty"

"Now I'm retired comfortably."


ABC / Via Netflix

9."Sociology is definitely overlooked. It's a great major with a broad range of careers to choose from. I started in Early Childhood Education, but was booted from the program due to a conflict with my internship. By chance, I changed to sociology, and I am SO GLAD I did!"

A teacher in class

10."Communications! This major is often downplayed, but you can do amazing things with it if you map it out in a strategic way, and it can be quite lucrative! I work in marketing at Fortune 500 companies."

A woman standing behind a typerwriter

11."Social work, especially if you're interested in doing therapy. You can skip a year of most MSW programs if you have a BSW, and the stuff you learn is far more relevant than a psych degree."

A therapist with a mother and her baby
Sturti / Getty Images

12."History. It teaches you to evaluate sources and arguments and to think for yourself and recognize patterns in others' behavior and to ask the right questions. The world needs a lot of that right now. With it, I have gone from law school to Post Office to social services department to juvenile justice system."

Jerry Seinfeld teaching

13.And finally: "English and literary studies. My friend has a BA with this, and she makes BANK as a remote editor."

Screenshot from "She Devil"

Which college major do you think is underrated? Share your answer in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length/clarity.