15 Shocking And Unsettling Pictures Of Things That ABSOLUTELY Shouldn't Exist

Buckle up, folks — it's time to look at some weird and anxiety-inducing pics of things that absolutely shouldn't exist!!!

1.These cans with a very fishy design:

can shows sliced fish that kind of look like a butthole
u/bronihana / Via reddit.com

2.This nightmare-inducing overgrown shrubbery:

huge bare shrub looks like a creepy monster leaning over a fence
@emogirIfriend / Via Twitter: @emogirIfriend

3.This prison-worthy behavior:

person with their feet on the top while their on a plane
u/Electronic_Sleep_432 / Via reddit.com

4.This toilet graveyard (aka the perfect place to let one RIP):

  u/Srihari_stan / Via reddit.com
u/Srihari_stan / Via reddit.com

5.This ballsy pottery:

pottery teapot with balls
u/loveofGod12345 / Via reddit.com

6.This impressive but unsettling sculpture:

huge round sculpture with lips
u/lobobobos / Via reddit.com

7.These boundary-pushing pants:

pants made out of ski masks

It's high fashion, people. You just wouldn't understand.

u/seven_critical_blows / Via reddit.com

8.This designer dog:

person put the logo of gucci in mustard on their hot dog
u/totalinfonet / Via reddit.com

9.This impeccably executed but seriously weird nail art:

nail art is dirt and succulents
u/Till-Gleeful400 / Via reddit.com

10.This foot stool:

stool has the feet of deer
u/Keithbaby99 / Via reddit.com

11.This creepy toy a child found in the woods:

it's a person's face but with the body of a dog
u/blushing-lakes / Via reddit.com

12.This multipurpose kitchen:

the bathroom is in the kitchen
u/whazstony / Via reddit.com

13.This frostbitten hand:

hand is different colors
u/jjazure1 / Via reddit.com

14.This horrifying doll collection:

porcelain dolls
u/rhowsnc / Via reddit.com

15.And finally, this jaw-dropping wall art:

dentures used in wall art
@missmulrooney / Via Twitter: @missmulrooney

H/T r/Weird, r/hmmm, r/ATBGE, r/abandoned, and r/oddlyterrifying

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20 Sinister, Disturbing, And Nerve-Wracking Photos That Made Me Want To Throw My Laptop In A River

...or the most shocking and unsettling pictures of 2023!

57 Shocking And Unsettling Pictures I Saw This Year That Shouldn't Exist