16 Photos Of Random Artifacts From The 1900s That Belong In The Museum Of History
1.The chart of the cost of living in 1989:
2.This Gatorade carton from 1988:
3.This 1950s bathroom with a built-in toilet phone:
4.This original bottle of Red Bull found in Thailand in 1992:
5.This built-in seat for a telephone nook in a house built in 1947:
6.This pill container from 1947:
7.This 1950s tie that gave people fashion advice:
8.This double oven from the 1970s:
9.This list of instructions for new moms from the 1940s hospital maternity ward:
10.This 1980s Cheetos bag:
11.This birth announcement card from 1950:
12.This 1988 Toys "R" Us featuring a Nintendo Action Set:
13.This 1948 Hotpoint refrigerator:
14.This 1951 banned children's toy science kit that wanted kids to find uranium deposits:
15.This Burger King Kids Club cup from 1996:
16.And this surgery bill from a six-day hospital stay in 1956: