I Had To Book An Anger Management Session After Seeing These 16 Photos Of People Lacking Basic Manners In Public

I'm not sure what it is, but lately, it feels like more and more people are forgetting basic manners. As proof, here are 17 photos from the r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit of people proving etiquette is dead.

1.Someone left a bunch of loose hair in a urinal:

Bathroom sink with hair strands clogging the drain
Reddit: Punkzilla24 / Via reddit.com

2.Someone in this neighborhood keeps parking like this:

Two cars parked on a street; the closer car has a ticket on the windshield. The scene is set on a leafy street with a sidewalk
Reddit: tiny_sprig / Via reddit.com

3.Expectant parents decided to host a gender reveal in this beautiful park, and left all of their trash behind:

A person jogs along a path beside a lake with mountains in the background. Trees without leaves are visible
A person jogs along a path beside a lake with mountains in the background. Trees without leaves are visible

Reddit: PaleBlueDotEnthused / Via reddit.com

4.This person texted throughout a live performance:

Theater scene with traditional performance on stage, featuring musicians on the left and actors in ornate costumes on the right. Audience member using a phone
Redit: Interestingnbest / Via reddit.com

5.And this person fired off emails during a movie:

Two people sitting in a mostly empty movie theater, one using a laptop
Reddit: ItsDomorOm / Via reddit.com

6.This group left all of their fast-food trash on a restaurant table, despite the garbage can being directly behind them:

Messy fast-food restaurant table with leftover food packaging, trays, and cups near bright and patterned chairs
Reddit: tOSdude / Via reddit.com

7.Someone forced an oversized package into this mailbox and jammed the door closed:

Hand pulling open a mailbox slot with visible mail inside, showing printed text and addresses
Reddit: tinyrevolutions45 / Via reddit.com

8.Someone mislabeled the hot water and coffee dispensers...leading a customer to accidentally poor a bunch of coffee into their instant cup of noodles:

Coffee and hot water dispensers on a counter, with a yogurt cup nearby
Reddit: Drakon56 / Via reddit.com

9.These neighbors left their dog's crap behind:

Sign saying "No poop and pee zone" near bushes, with dog feces on the sidewalk, illustrating disregard for the rule
Reddit: Socialist-Butterfly / Via reddit.com

10.These neighbors left a passive aggressive message on their shared laundry machines:

Sign on a washing machine reads: "Please do 'not' overload the machines or I must be forced to feed your clothes to my pet alligator." Drawing of an alligator included
Reddit: ForsakePariah / Via reddit.com

11.Someone insisted on driving with their high beams on, which made it hard for others to see:

Interior view of a car's backseat with a quilted cover, looking out the rain-speckled rear window
Reddit: Sketcher49 / Via reddit.com

12.Some people don't understand library etiquette:

Library sign humorously states, "No Dick Sucking In The Library!!!!" in bold letters
Reddit: CoinNGames / Via reddit.com

13.This diver skipped strapping down their junk, creating an unsafe situation for everyone on the road:

A truck with an open cargo area is filled with various items, including boxes and metal parts, at a red light intersection
Reddit: toyodaforever / Via reddit.com

14.This coworker left open, half-eaten food in the company freezer:

Open freezer with a tub of Blue Bell Cookies 'n Cream ice cream and a spoon inside, alongside empty shelves and ice trays
Reddit: TheJunkman9000 / Via reddit.com

15.A customer stole tips out of the jar for employees:

Tip jar with handwritten "Tips! Thank you! :)" and receipt inside, placed on a counter with a cash register and some items nearby
Reddit: snlopnoop / Via reddit.com

16.And finally, someone hung their jacket on the seat belonging to the person IN FRONT of them.

Jacket draped over an airplane seat, with an aisle and rows of unoccupied seats visible in the background
Reddit: CommunistDumpling / Via reddit.com