17 Photos People Captured Of Untouched Stores, Restaurants, And Homes That Prove Decor Peaked In The '90s
The 1990s were undeniably awesome! From movies and music to clothes and trends, everything seemed more magical back then — especially design choices and home decor. I say this as someone whose dream home is the McCallister house from Home Alone, but '90s decor and architecture felt SO homey. Luckily, however, some '90s-era buildings have managed to stay untouched by the passage of time. So, without further ado, let's take a look at a few of these "time capsule" buildings:
1.I can practically smell the Gordita Supremes in this Taco Bell:
"Yo quiero Taco Bell," indeed.
2.This "time capsule" library looks more like a mall for books:
I would spend at least three days in this place.
3.This Sparkle grocery store should have been a Supermarket Sweep set:
I don't care what decade it is, I would always be up for a visit to "A World of Cheese":
Time warp in Aisle 7:
4.This Target snack bar has remained beautifully unchanged:
5.This theater in Battery Park should still have showtimes for Clueless or The Matrix:
6.If you listen closely, you can still hear "Barbie Girl" and "Cotton-Eyed Joe" at this unrenovated skating rink:
7.The Wendy's that time forgot:
8.Move aside, Ariel, this is a very big mermaid at a throwback gift shop in Kissimmee, Florida:
It's truly a thing of beauty:
9.This dorm bathroom hasn't been updated since 1996:
Why does no one have pastel tile these days?
10.This office's elevators definitely belong in a '90s workplace drama:
I can hear the tense synth music now...
11.This laundromat got stuck on the "'90s cycle":
Seriously, this looks like a place where two Nora Ephron movie characters would meet for the first time:
12.This Pennsylvania mall would have been *THE* hangout spot in the '90s:
13.This mini arcade hasn't been touched since 1997:
14.At this Burger King, it's still the '90s every day:
15.If you book this German hotel, you can time travel for free:
16.This waiting room is still waiting on the new Millennium:
So much gray, so little time:
It's giving Finding Nemo:
17.And finally, this theater still has its ~magical~ squiggly carpet:
We used to be a country. A proper country...
Which one of these '90s time capsule buildings was your favorite? Do you know of other places still stuck in the '90s? Let us know in the comments!