17 Photos Of Things People Reallyyyy Tried To Fix But Just Made So, So Much Worse
1.There's no way you can actually C(D) out of this musical mirror:
2.This is either a failed DIY spoiler or a successful traveling laundry mat:
3.This lawnmower wheel replacement straight outta 4000 BC:
4.Imagine getting hurt because you tripped on a button and fell down the jairs:
5.This masking tape that absolutely did not mask the hole in the wall:
6.Ah yes, a large door the size of a small door:
7.Okay, what in the Wonderworks is this???
8.This person should have stopped WAY before they popped:
9.This works for now...but what about when it's time to come down, hm? What then?! I project some problems with that:
10.She's not like other tiles:
11.This is either really dumb or perfect for a very chill grandma:
12.I hate to throw shade at this lamp...but I must:
13.This cartoonish approach to fixing a bike wheel:
14.Using tape to fix a toilet, a famously water-filled device, was never going to last:
15.Thanks! I hate it!
u/colbone669 / Via reddit.com
16.If your sneakers break, that doesn't mean they should become sandals:
17.This mailbox is only acceptable if it's specifically for the cat's mail:
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