18 Hysterically Funny Internet Fails From Last Week That Will Make You Laugh So Hard You'll Form Abs

Despite our best efforts, it appears to be Monday again. They're so annoyingly persistent! At least they only last 24 hours, and in the meantime, we've got these 18 hilarious internet fails to get us through:

1. This is the exact opposite of how karma is supposed to work.

Twitter: @Ariellex1_

2. Step 2: Let cool.

Twitter: @EternalDago

3. No one should have to do math, period.

Twitter: @whoisnashiii

4. Yeah, I guess that's technically what you're doing, but thanks for making it weird.

Twitter: @DocNoirII

5. How does one lose an entire star on a single Uber ride?

Twitter: @rinnystarr

6. That's my emotional support empty Pringles can.

Twitter: @clhubes

7. So...angelic.

Twitter: @StansaidAirport

8. We love a man with a mantra.

Twitter: @SJaludi

9. I would love nothing more than to be called "Meatball Tony."

Twitter: @gracecamille_

10. Okay but I actually want to buy clothes.

Twitter: @violentlyepic

11. You're never too young to start.

Twitter: @s400yyd

12. Why is my storage full again? Oh.

Twitter: @Kica333

13. They should have a ride customization for sense of humor.

Twitter: @ratsnotagain

14. Cable hoarders, do NOT read this.

Twitter: @theramblingfool

15. Well we found the water, that's the important thing.

Twitter: @kourtneyinhell

16. "My hair would've loved this 2-in-1" is a ringing endorsement.

Twitter: @dylanonvinyl

17. To be fair, Darth Vader would have fit in perfectly in "Masquerade."


18. The true definition of adding insult to injury.

Twitter: @cmclymer

If you enjoyed these laughs, go follow the creators! And for more fails, check out our most recent posts:

These 16 Hilarious Internet Fails Made Me Laugh So Hard I Forgot It Was Already 2025

15 Hilarious Internet Fails That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Shed A Single Tear

17 Hilarious Internet Fails From Last Week That Will Make You Laugh So Hard You'll Form Abs