19 God-Tier Photos That Scratchy Scratched A Deep Itchy Itch In My Zany Brainy
Brain feeling a bit rough? Smooth it out with these 19 pics from r/oddlysatisfying:
1.This dream-like shadow:
2.And these shadows from a railing perfectly aligning with the paint on the ground:
3.This stuck crow being freed by a...crowbar:
4.This Brazilian artist who combines art with nature:
5.This nana sledding down a sand bank into water:
6.These immaculate slices of toast:
7.This perfectly balanced showerhead:
8.These two bubble rings colliding into one in the ocean:
9.This exceptional tiling:
10.This galaxy-filled stone:
11.These rainbow rays:
12.This juicy Thai mango:
13.This wildly satisfying spray-painted arrow:
14.These two waves colliding:
15.This printing plate getting inked:
16.This tree parting the water:
17.This dog taking a ride on another dog:
18.This lava flowing into a crevasse in Iceland:
19.And finally, this water on an airplane window during takeoff: