19 Poor, Poor Souls Who Just Had A Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Week Than You
If you just had a bad, bad, bad week, just remember...
1.The person whose truck lost its battle with the beach:
2.The person who will be using a lint roller on their jeans until the cows come home:
3.The person who is going to have to play the worst game of bobbing for apples the world has ever seen:
4.The person whose dreams were smashed before their eyes:
5.The person who ordered extra mold on their pizza:
6.The person whose patio table simply ceased to exist:
7.The person who straight up had a Hanna-Barbera cartoon moment while fishin' down at the crick:
8.The person who learned time's oldest lesson:
9.The person who will handle cumin like radioactive material from now on:
10.The person whose package has found its eternal resting place:
11.The person who learned that the best mornings start with a huge mess to clean up:
12.The person whose dryer got a cool new makeover:
13.The person who pretty much got stuck like they're a character in The Sims:
14.The person who was betrayed by the pancake they loved the most:
15.The person who left a trail of berry:
16.The person who created this monstrosity:
17.The person whose rear-end is now accepting thoughts and prayers:
18.The person who got a little extra value in their lunch today:
19.And the person whose plant is laughing at them from the Great Beyond:
RIP, plant.