20 Sinister, Disturbing, And Nerve-Wracking Photos That Made Me Want To Throw My Laptop In A River
Buckle up, folks — it's time to look at some weird and anxiety-inducing pics of things that absolutely shouldn't exist!!!
1.This haunted slab of beef that would be a misteak to eat:
2.These rocks that look like a thousand imprisoned screaming souls trying to warn you from their fate:
3.This "meowhawk":
4.This unholy "sushi pie" that doesn't look much like sushi or pie...or anything edible:
5.This nightmare-inducing creation:
6.This big beefy boy:
7.This massive alien-esque jellyfish that washed ashore:
8.This absolutely nutty statue of Alvin the Chipmunk:
9.This crappy abandoned outhouse:
10.This filling "Christmas tinner":
11.This terrifying nightlight:
12.This picture where something feels off, but I can't quite put my finger on it:
13.This creepy abandoned hospital that somehow still has power:
14.These "Nikeas":
15.This burger that looks like eating it would be quite the pickle:
16.This kilt armchair:
17.This mushroom someone found growing in an office at their workplace:
18.This pizza pocket that looks like a brain:
19.This Dora statue that I definitely don't want to explore:
20.And finally, this child's drawing of a very abominable snowman:
H/T r/hmmm, r/ATBGE, r/StupidFood, r/abandoned, r/sh!ttyfoodporn, and r/oddlyterrifying
Don't miss last week's most anxiety-inducing photos:
25 Shocking And Unsettling Pictures I Saw This Week That Shouldn't Exist
...or the most shocking and unsettling pictures of 2023!
57 Shocking And Unsettling Pictures I Saw This Year That Shouldn't Exist