25 People Who Made A Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Bad Decision Last Week And Suffered The Consequences
1.The person who might want to consider moving to a warmer climate:
2.The person whose toothbrush just got very crunchy texture:
3.The person who will have to wait 'til spring to get inside:
4.The person who is experiencing toilet paper purgatory:
5.The person who lived everyone's worst nightmare:
6.The person whose cup shall measureth no more:
7.The person who will know nothing but sadness upon opening that door:
8.The person whose car is safe and comfy in a carport blanket:
9.The person with the saddest sandwich I've ever seen:
10.The person whose printer is just playing games on them:
11.The person who found a meal fit for Pumbaa himself:
12.The person whose tailor made them a fine pair of capris for their wedding:
13.The person whose bathroom turned into Mount Toilet-toa:
14.Ol' Lefty:
15.The person who learned just how much litter a garbage bag can hold:
16.The person who someone needs to extoll the virtues of moisturization to:
17.The person whose grandma added a little extra spice to their device:
18.The person who is having their plants burgled:
19.The person whose sink will be a no-fly zone for a very, very long time:
20.The person who might just be a bit tired:
21.The person whose laundry room is now the ninth biggest waterfall in Iowa:
22.The person who got a fancy French meal with their yogurt:
23.The person whose backpack belongs to the bees now:
24.The person whose key betrayed them when they needed it the most:
25.And Jeffrey: