3 Tips for Helping Your Kids Study

Ron Clark has been researching the way kids study for years at his model school and teacher training center in Atlanta, and now the renowned educator and best-selling author is sharing what's he's learned in his book The End of Molasses Classes: Getting Our Kids Unstuck. We asked him for the CliffsNotes.

1. What has surprised you most in your research about how kids learn?
I used to tell parents to turn off the TV and the music and have their kids sit at the kitchen table and study quietly. I've discovered that with nothing in front of them but the material, kids feel like they're missing something—so they're miserable and can't focus. If there's a little music or the TV is on in the background, they're more relaxed and will study longer and retain the information better.

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2. What are some other ways to get kids to focus?
You've got to get them to see it as fun—bonding time—so they don't dread it. I like writing vocabulary words on balloons, and if the child gets the right definition, he or she gets to pop the balloon, with the goal of popping 10 a night. You've got to teach your children how to study. Show them how to read half a page of notes and then explain to you what they read. And if either of you is frustrated, take a break, bake some cookies, go for a walk.

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3. What's the biggest mistake parents make?
If your kid forgets his homework at home, don't bring it to school. He won't learn to be responsible if he knows you'll always bail him out. Those are the kids who grow up to become 20-year-olds still living at home. Resisting the urge in the moment is hard, but it's important to let your children stand on their own two feet.

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