32 Things Literally Everyone Thought Were Completely Normal In High School That Seem Like They Should Be Illegal In 2025

In high school, nothing was more normal than...

1. Running a mile and IMMEDIATELY taking your musty self to math class:

Twitter: @babygirlina_

2.Going on a hero's journey in the span of a few hours:

Tweet by @DragonflyJonez about high school, mentioning honey buns, orange soda, Pythagorean theorem, Robert Frost, and running a mile in 3 hours

3. Begging for permission for a bodily function:

Twitter: @martinsstanleyy

4. The wild start time:

Twitter: @MiyuAihara

5. Watching some incredibly depressing movie and then immediately going to play badminton or something:

Twitter: @JFrankensteiner

6. Climbing a mountain every morning:

Twitter: @wydbanx

7. The weird competition to say how sleep-deprived you were:

Twitter: @Bryainiac

8. D.A.R.E. telling you everyone the Sweet 16s you were going to would be absolutely depraved:

Twitter: @sourpow99

9. Debating incredibly serious topics 20 minutes after you woke up:

Twitter: @MazGrace1

10. All those kids constantly making that one noise:

Twitter: @jmurffff

11. Those kids who would SCREAM every single time the lights dimmed:

Twitter: @China_Anderson

12. Eating hamburgers and milk at 10:45 a.m....

Twitter: @crystaldr3amz

13. Drinking milk with pizza and corn at 10:55 a.m...

Twitter: @hwatson_2

14. Eating calzones at the crack of dawn...

Twitter: @aphished

15. Eating spicy fried chicken with milk...

Twitter: @ryewontdie

16. And drinking milk with enchiladas:

Twitter: @roberto_manjare

17. Walking into lunch like you owned the joint:

Twitter: @IAmLilRico

18. That one kid who always wore shorts, no matter the weather:

Twitter: @dprteen

19. Theater kids being OUT OF CONTROL first thing in the morning:

Twitter: @lukasbattle

20. Awful, awful football teams:

Twitter: @noahdonotcare

21. Fights breaking out juuuust as the sun was rising:

Twitter: @inomn_

22. Lunch speed runs:

Twitter: @T_HUMP_Q

23.Thirty percent of the girls in the school having a knee brace at one point:

Tweet: "Everybody knew at least one girl in High School who wore a knee brace over her jeans year round."

24. Dudes just straight-up moaning all the time:

Twitter: @rownkis

25.Straight up munchin' on cough drops like your life depended on it:

Tweet about eating cough drops as candy in high school, claiming it built character

26. The intense allegiance to whatever foreign language you learned:

Twitter: @16scrawford

27. Everyone wheeling around literal luggage in the hallways:

Twitter: @mbaskinn

28.That one girl who was way too into horses:

Tweet asks if every high school grade has a shy, horse-obsessed "horse girl"

29. Fart seats:

Twitter: @Chiroyoyoyoyoyo

30. Every single book looking like this:


31. Having to write the fastest essay of your life:

Twitter: @Gaherty56

32.And all the vomit:

Tweet reading, "Remember that phase of grade school when it was pretty common for kids to just randomly throw up in the middle of class"

Seriously. What was the deal with that?

Twitter: @bridgetttttk