32 Infuriating Pictures That Make My Blood Boil No Matter How Many Times I've Seen Them

1.These landscapers who cleared the leaves from one driveway and just pushed it toward the next property:

Leaves in someone's lawn
u/DoctorIanMalcolm201 / Via reddit.com

2.These hotel employees who charged a guest $50 for leaving "blood-stained" towels:

Towel with stains on it
u/FireBird2085 / Via reddit.com

3.This person who let their dog pee on their neighbor's pumpkins:

Pumpkins with pee on them
u/SpookyGen13 / Via reddit.com

4.This delivery person who stuffed this box into a tight locker, making it almost impossible to get out:

A stuck package
u/fortheloveoffanfics / Via reddit.com

5.This person who took up FOUR parking spots:

truck parked in the middle of four spots
u/JBFRESHSKILLS / Via reddit.com

6.This person who had people over and left the mess for their sibling to clean up:

A very dirty kitchen
u/KrazyCAM10 / Via reddit.com

7.This person who asked for eight inches off their hair.

cut off ponytail next to a ruler and it's way over 12 inches
u/bluenighthawk / Via reddit.com

8.This person who decided students would be fined if they spent too much time in the bathroom:

"Smile for the Cameras"
u/miketerk21 / Via reddit.com

9.This boss who didn't want their employees to befriend each other during work hours:

memo that says work is not supposed to be fun
u/DiorRoses / Via reddit.com

10.This person who wrote the code to a gated community on the box:

gate code on the box
u/Floridaboii91 / Via reddit.com

11.This person who couldn't figure out why their dryer stopped working, until their sister showed them the problem:

dryer clogged with lint
u/Agreeable-Camera5420 / Via reddit.com

12.This person who wrote to their neighbor to take down their Halloween decorations on November 1st:

"Halloween is over time to take your horrible decorations down..."
u/dudermcamerika / Via reddit.com

13.This person who put their feet on movie theater seats that people had reserved:

bare feet sticking out from the seats
u/Travotaku / Via reddit.com

14.This person who couldn't be bothered to find a trash can:

chicken left on a shelf
u/iwilleatyourcousin / Via reddit.com

15.This person who left a note on the door of the neighbors who don't have a dog:

"Please Pick-Up Your Dog Poop!"
u/DBLAgent412 / Via reddit.com

16.This Uber driver who refused to move their groceries from the passenger seat while driving around four people:

someone in the front seat with groceries on the floorboard
u/kellifino / Via reddit.com

17.This landlady who gave tenants three and half hours a week to do laundry:

"Laundry Wed 4:30-8pm"
u/kinghunter1996 / Via reddit.com

18.This gift from the school for teacher appreciation week:

starbursts and bubble wrap
u/rjyanco / Via reddit.com

19.This person who put their partner's laptop in the freezer because it was overheating:

a laptop in the freezer
u/Hambino0400 / Via reddit.com

20.These dog groomers who gave someone back the WRONG DOG:

two different small dogs
u/Teh_Crusader / Via reddit.com

21.This gym that threw out all these perfectly good tennis balls even though it was right next to a dog park:

Tennis balls in the garbage
u/superspider7 / Via reddit.com

22.This person who left the bathroom they share with their sibling like this:

makeup on every inch of the counter and in the sink
u/TouchingPriests / Via reddit.com

23.This person who stopped talking to someone after they discovered they don't have an iPhone:

"an android?!"
u/Ill_Raspberry9207 / Via reddit.com

24.These three trucks that blocked the whole highway:

three semi trucks next to each other across three lanes
u/chiefmaxson / Via reddit.com

25.This bland garlic bread from a pizzeria:

no garlic on the bread
u/Seymour2112 / Via reddit.com

26.This person who parked their truck inches away from this other car:

truck crossing over the line in a parking spot inches away from hitting another car
u/Teh_Crusader / Via reddit.com

27.This person who CONSTANTLY forgets that they already have a cup:

mugs and glasses cluttering the sink
u/newmyy / Via reddit.com

28.This guy who slept through a date and then blamed the other person because they didn't want to exchange phone numbers:

this is phone is important, you could have called to wake my sleeping ass
u/ladytypeperson / Via reddit.com

29.This child who emptied the dishwasher but didn't put them away:

clean dishes on the counter
u/queenclemmy / Via reddit.com

30.This person who placed this ladder here:

ladder perched on a ledged
u/AdministrativeFig816 / Via reddit.com

31.These people who didn't clean up after their gender reveal party in the park:

blue confetti left all over the park
u/budadad / Via reddit.com

32.And lastly, this roommate who left their dishes in the sink for weeks:

large ball of mold on top of the plate
u/CaliforniaJugg / Via reddit.com

H/T r/mildlyinfurating