35 People Who Said Something Confidently And Then Learned That They Were So Wrong, It's Embarrassing
1.This person who should not be entering any spelling bees:
2.This person who was corrected on something wayyyy too late in life:
3.This person who was so wrong, but doubled downed anyway:
4.This person who was trying to sell their couch on Facebook:
5.This person who pointed out Sonic the Hedgehog's character flaws:
6.This person who aspired to be like a family they saw online:
7.This person who was comparing bananas and plantains:
8.This person who wanted people to remember their worth:
9.This parent who needed to get back to school themself:
10.This person's answer to a Hinge prompt:
11.This person who corrected someone and still made a mistake:
12.This person's passionate rant about cats' diets:
13.This person explaining a game:
14.This person who realized what "news" meant:
15.This person's message about actors:
16.This person who was protecting their food:
17.This person trying to find their son's glasses:
18.This person opening up about their insecurities:
19.This person who left a review about how fresh a restaurant's food was:
20.This person who had a hot take about certain wings:
21.This person who didn't know what the sun was:
22.This person who gave financial advice:
23.This person whose grammar rules made no sense:
24.This person who insisted that space was fake:
25.This person who said blood was blue:
26.This person who found Washington very scenic:
27.This person who was trying to be sexy:
28.This person who was describing someone's boyfriend:
29.This person who told someone what they were having for breakfast:
30.This person who didn't understand simple fractions:
31.This person who stan'ed Big Dairy:
32.This person who just needed to sort out their stomach issues:
33.This person who planned to travel outside of the US based on the election outcome:
34.This person who thought someone misspelled a word:
35.And lastly, this person who will probably not get their wish: