35 Things Basically Every Single Person On Earth Has Experienced But Would Never Dare Talk About

35 Things Basically Every Single Person On Earth Has Experienced But Would Never Dare Talk About

Pretty much every single human-being on Earth has experienced...

1.The totally rational thought:

Text: "Humorous personal thought about accidentally having a gun before airport security."

2.The most audacious of questions:

3.The nostril closure:

Meme with text about going to bed and two camera lenses representing nostrils
u/feeling_growth_6670 / Via reddit.com

4. The Google of desperation:

Twitter: @silentkil_er

5.The lowest point of your life:

6.The washing machine anger:

Tweet questioning why a washing machine misrepresents the remaining cycle time

7.The regret:

Meme featuring a woman with hand on face, captioned about forgetting reusable bags and agreeing to buy one

8.The quick existence check:

9.The eye rub:

10.The correct way to store your phone:

Comparison of typical items in left pocket like keys, wallet, and multitool, and right pocket with phone and earphones

11.That strange pain:

Meme with two panels showing a man clutching his chest with discomfort, captioned with swallowing water painfully
u/demonmonarch / Via reddit.com

12.The superiority:

Meme with text "Me watching someone Google something less efficiently than I would," featuring a man smirking
u/nibisitaas / Via reddit.com

13.The acting performance of the century:

14.The need to make bubbles:

meme of someone blowing into a straw and making bubbles in milk

15.The rapid aging:

16.This exact thought growing up:

tweet reading remember those days when you missed school and you'd check the time and think they're eating right now

17.The double and triple check:

18.The absolute betrayal:

19.The complete loss of trust:

20.The compulsion to draw this exact sun in the corner of a sheet of paper:

sun with sunglasses

21.The blanket conundrum:

22.The fear:

23.The attempt to fly under the radar:

text reading 13 year old me watching tv and not moving a muscle so they don't notice it is past my bedtime

24.The most satisfying smack:

meme about smacking a leaf

25.The relief:

Man with hand on head, relieved expression, text about waking up from a nightmare without consequences
u/PartyCityOG / Via reddit.com

26.The very specific planning:

Mom says event starts at 3; person plans backward to wake up at 10 to be on time
u/chugalkhorni / Via reddit.com

27.The instantaneous yacking:

28.The pee-er's dilemma:

29.The transformation:

30.The ear opening:

31.The horror... the horror:

32.The struggle of online shopping:

person not sold on 19 5 star reviews but sold on hundreds of 4 star reviews

33.The humiliating double-check:

34.The need to walk around a pool like this:

three ways to walk in water

35.The "I didn't steal anything" walk:

Twitter: @shitpostbale

And the squeal: