40 Funny Restaurants That Made Me Laugh By Being So Damn Extra
1.This restaurant came up with a genius way to ensure they popped up first on Google searches:
2.And so did this one:
3.This restaurant has its waiters wear T-shirts with one-star reviews of the place on them:
4.And this restaurant reserved a table for a group of retired buddies who eat there every day with THIS sign:
5.This restaurant doesn't take reservations, but it does take...:
6.And this restaurant in Spain puts a giant teddy bear at every table so their patrons never want for company:
7.This Japanese restaurant has a waxwork samurai standing at one of the urinals in the bathroom:
8.And this German one has a soccer game in their urinal:
9.This BBQ joint makes you "milk" this pig to get your barbecue sauce:
10.And this restaurant draws little masterpieces like this on their to-go boxes:
11.This chicken joint moved into an old Cricket Wireless store and adapted their sign for themselves:
12.And this Mexican restaurant moved into an old KFC building and did some adapting of its own:
13.This restaurant closed down for a few days...to take their employees to Vegas?!?!?!:
14.This restaurant's bathroom gives its customers an unexpected confidence boost:
15.And this restaurant's bathroom stall — blech! — has a disposal bin for "soiled underoos":
16.This very high-maintenance cafe has a lot (and I mean a LOT) of rules about what you can't do there:
17.And this restaurant prints their menu on business cards and business cards only:
18.This restaurant's instructions for what to do when the toilet won't flush could win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature:
19.And this restaurant — for reasons only they can explain — includes their account balance on each receipt:
20.This restaurant has got to be a fave of Gen X'ers thanks to this painting on the wall of Matt Foley...living in a van...DOWN BY THE RIVER:
21.And this restaurant put up memorials to paintings that were stolen off their walls:
22.This restaurant gives away a free Pokémon card with every check:
23.And this restaurant made the absolute most out of someone crashing into their sign:
24.This restaurant's bathroom has some very memorable rules:
25.While this restaurant's bathroom has a very intimate setup:
26.This "No Brand Burger" joint is refreshingly realistic about its product:
27.And you gotta love this place's "soup" of the day:
28.This restaurant must be an absolute JOY to work at:
29.And this brunch spot — oh my god, why! — has the imprint of a bare footprint on its table:
30.This restaurant gives out food gloves that come in packets that look almost exactly like condoms:
31.And this restaurant proudly displays all the counterfeit bills they've caught people trying to pass off as the real thing:
32.This chicken place sells both 1,500 pieces of wings (for the bargain price of $1,426) and a 55-gallon drum of blue cheese dressing (for $967):
33.And this chicken restaurant has an absolutely hilarious phone charger on the wall:
34.This restaurant charges different prices for kids depending on their height:
35.And this restaurant has quite a deal...it will deliver a sandwich to your hospital bed (!!!) if you give birth:
36.This pizza restaurant has a hilariously good attitude about itself:
37.And this pizza place has been in business ever since the ye olde days of...2023:
38.In the category of "haven't seen that one before!" this restaurant uses concrete sewer pipes for its outdoor seating:
39.This restaurant brings the bill out in a folder marked "The Damage," LOL:
40.And lastly, this restaurant bathroom has no mirror...but it does have this message: