41 Wild Photos Of Things From The Past That Make History 10000% More Interesting

1.This time capsule note from 1998 that mentions Bill Clinton just as the Monica Lewinsky scandal was breaking (back when Clinton was still denying everything):

A handwritten letter dated 2/5/98 from Mike to Mike. The letter discusses life in 1998, movies like Titanic, games, college, and mentions Bill Clinton
u/Dollygrace7 / Via reddit.com

2.This Gameboy from the Gulf War that wrecked my perception of time:

Damaged Nintendo Game Boy on display, labeled "Game Boy damaged in Gulf War." The case shows severe wear, and it appears burnt. Accompanying text explains its history
u/ / Via reddit.com

3.This stamp of Charles and Diana from 1981:

Three postage stamps depict: a horse-drawn mail coach and envelope text (top left), a train (top right), and a man in a suit with a woman in a blouse (bottom)
u/Accomplished_Elk_220 / Via reddit.com

4.This speech for President Nixon in case Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin couldn't get back to Earth:

A potential speech by President Nixon about a moon disaster, written in 1969, reveals a tribute to astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin if a tragedy occurred
u/Valo_102 / Via reddit.com

5.These "easy-to-follow instructions" for making all kinds of drugs from 1973:

Cover of "Basic Drug Manufacture" by The Fantastic Venomous Consumption, featuring colorful lab equipment and a list of synthesized drugs
u/waterdragon-95 / Via reddit.com

6.This sample pack of quaaludes from back when they were considered "a breakthrough in sleep therapy":

Box of Quaalude-300, a sleep therapy medication, with attention-grabbing text on the front and an illustration of a brain
u/RichPay2111 / Via reddit.com

7.As well as this old drug education kit with the actual drugs it was describing:

Drug Education Guide poster showing a chart with classifications of drugs, including hallucinogens, stimulants, narcotics, and depressants, featuring images and descriptions
u/Koctopuz / Via reddit.com

8.This fill-in-the-blank letter to troops in Vietnam:

Typed letter from soldier in Saigon, Vietnam in July 1970 to family, with fill-in-the-blanks about daily life and activities
u/HAG4_WATER_CREMATION / Via reddit.com

9.This list of expenses for a University of Alabama student in 1929, which totals under $100 for a quarter:

A handwritten ledger listing school expenses at the University of Alabama, including room rent, fees, books, and stationery from September 18, 1929, totaling $96.90
u/dragonchilde / Via reddit.com

10.This 1965 church cookbook that lists married women using their husbands' last name:

Page 189 of "White Mountain Cookery: Then and Now" lists team members, including recipe coordinator Mrs. H. A. Skilton and cover designer Mrs. Edward Damp
u/OsmiumBalloon / Via reddit.com

11.This old vaccine card that prove they're nothing new:

A vintage vaccination certificate dated Sept 17, 1887, certifies a 121-year-old named Cal has been vaccinated. Signed by J.B. Emmet, M.D., Health Officer, Martinez
u/theRZArecta / Via reddit.com

12.And these vintage cigars that prove gender reveals are nothing new, either, though they've certainly gotten more annoying:

A cigar in clear packaging with "It's a boy" text, next to a beige cylindrical cigar case labeled "Gold Label" on a brown surface
u/theatremom2016 / Via reddit.com

13.These instructions from a 1911 book of home remedies:

Instructions for a remedy: Ice in the rectum aids urination. Urine should start to drop in 30 minutes, eventually flowing in a stream
u/JayJay5000 / Via reddit.com

14.This old cell phone with a clip-on chatboard that now feels very, very dated:

A hand holding an old Ericsson TH688 mobile phone with a flip-out QWERTY keyboard
u/ontbijtkoek / Via reddit.com

15.Along with this display of mobile phones from their inception until today, which shows just how quickly things change:

A display case with five shelves of various models of old mobile phones, organized by model and design, ranging from early brick phones to early smartphones
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

16.This briefcase that had a separate compartment for floppy disks:

A brown leather case labeled "Floppy Disk Pocket" on a smaller pocket, opened to show inner storage
u/ryanpearl50 / Via reddit.com

17.This Netflix instant streaming disc for Wii:

Netflix Instant Streaming Disc for Wii with packaging. Instructions include: insert the disc in your Wii, choose what's available, and enjoy immediately. Do not return disc
u/oneclayvessel / Via reddit.com

18.This prediction that computers won't take over the world, actually, from 1980:

Newspaper excerpt predicts computer dominance by 2000, referencing George Orwell’s “1984.” Mentions public doubts and fears of technology’s impact on society
Myjunkisonfire / Via reddit.com

19.This "Kraft Dinner" from 1979 that proves Kraft has been around for a while, but it used to look pretty different:

Box of Kraft Dinner Macaroni & Cheese, 225 grams (7.9 oz). Side panel shows ingredients and nutritional information
u/kitkat7578 / Via reddit.com

20.This Crayola box that also looks wildly different:

An empty, weathered Crayola Crayons metal container is lying on its side on a white table. The text on the container reads, "WHERE COLOR IS REQUIRED" and "USE A GOLD MEDAL PRODUCT."
u/ProfChance / Via reddit.com

21.And this old McDonald's coupon that's likely from the '60s that proves not everything has changed:

A vintage McDonald's "All-American" card displaying images of a burger, fries, and a drink. The card entitles the bearer to a free meal at the provided address
u/RowdyWrongdoer / Via reddit.com

22.This old Elvis-branded shampoo someone found from 1985:

Elvis Presley "Love Me Tender" Conditioning Shampoo bottle with his image and signature on the front label and product information on the back label
u/discdraft / Via reddit.com

23.This 1940s list of rules for new mothers that includes not smoking or handling any phones an hour prior to nursing:

Typed instructions for new mothers with 19 points about infant care, feeding schedules, and visitor rules. Includes a note about supervisor exceptions
u/The_unfunny_hump / Via reddit.com

24.This 1986 Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne concert ticket for $16.50:

A concert ticket for Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica at Meadowlands Arena, East Rutherford, NJ, on Monday, April 21, 1986, at 7:30 PM. Ticket price: $16.50
u/UAZIK / Via reddit.com

25.These old food coupons and stamps:

Two U.S. Department of Agriculture food coupon booklets are displayed on a quilt. The top booklet has a value of $65.00
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

26.This bill for a wedding from 1961:

An old, stained German restaurant receipt listing various food and drink items with handwritten notes and signatures at the bottom
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

27.And this $216 receipt for a 1957 honeymoon:

A person is holding a black and white photo of people on recliners next to an itemized bill from Castle Harbor Hotel, including charges for meals and other services
u/UnknownAnon123456789 / Via reddit.com

28.Aaaand this $57 bill for a birth in 1940:

A 1940 medical bill addressed to Mrs. Sadie Loren from Ilion Hospital, detailing charges for board and care, nursing, laboratory, birth supplies, and X-ray, totaling $57.50
u/EggrollsForever / Via reddit.com

29.This "desirable weight according to height" table from 1959, which does not seem right to me:

A chart detailing desirable weight ranges for men and women aged 25 and over, based on height and body frame size. Data is provided by the 1959 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
u/FormedFecalIncident / Via reddit.com

30.Throwing it back even more, this old 1800s ad for a "massage" to cure "female hysteria":

An old advertisement for Dr. Swift promoting a massage treatment for various diseases, featuring a woman receiving a massage from a man. Text details treatment benefits
u/markthree16 / Via reddit.com

31.This glowing perfume bottle that definitely used uranium:

A vintage-style green perfume bottle with a bulb atomizer is placed in a box with crinkled paper. A hand with long, dark-colored nails is visible on the right
u/SleepingWillows / Via reddit.com

32.This 1939 vacation ad downplaying Hitler's threat:

Poster in a shop window reads: "Don't mind Hitler, take your holiday. Book here, Victoria Coach Station, E.W.I". Below, Imperial Airways and other travel ads are displayed
u/wapajama / Via reddit.com

33.This headline from a 1940 paper:

A newspaper front page from New Year's Day features prominent headlines about WWII, such as "Hitler Boasts of Nazi Victory in 1941" and "16-Year Record Broken."

34.And this 1908 postcard that casually has swastikas on it:

A postcard with a green pattern featuring swastikas. The text reads: "The busy little post card doth many needs supply, and this will say till another day, Good Wishes, Good Luck, and Good Bye."
u/The_Fluffy_Walrus / Via reddit.com

35.This 2000 list of ways to add fun to your life that includes "try on your daughter's makeup when she's not around" and going through the car wash with your windows open:

Magazine page by Mary Roach listing 100+ tips for adding fun to life, including dancing, writing a letter, taking photos, and trying face paint
u/911pleasehold / Via reddit.com

36.This 1919 advertisement for what was essentially a heated Snuggie:

Advertisement from a 1919 magazine promoting an electric glove stove as a remedy for chills. Various individuals are shown using the device in different settings
u/thenicatorr / Via reddit.com

37.This old note people found when pulling off the old wallpaper in their new home:

The image shows a handwritten note from October 5, 1997, stating if the Spice Girls are popular next time this room is decorated, the writer will eat their overalls
u/AngeB1818 / Via reddit.com

38.These old medicines that look more like poison:

Five old bottles with various pharmaceutical labels are displayed on a shelf. Labels include: Aulis Pharmacy, Winsor & Newton Distilled Turpentine, Purified Poppy
u/benjzammit01 / Via reddit.com

39.And this old nursing kit with cocaine in it:

A hand holds an open vintage metal box containing small tubes labeled "Cocaine Hydrochloride," "Heroin," and "Morphine" with a syringe inside
u/Crepes_for_days3000 / Via reddit.com

40.This 1919 bill of sale for a Ford car that came out to $325:

Old receipt from The Criswold-Wagg Motor Company dated October 13, 1919, detailing the sale of a Ford Touring Car to John Schmidl for $275 with additional charges
u/big_d_usernametaken / Via reddit.com

41.And finally, this old note from a 1908 autograph book:

The image shows a handwritten note dated November 24, 1906, addressed to "Nellie" from "Margaret B." It reflects on who will read the book a hundred years later
u/jules8178 / Via reddit.com