42 Tiny Observations About Gen Z Culture That Will Be Seriously Enlightening To Other Generations
Last week, Jodie Foster went viral for explaining why she thinks Gen Z is annoying.
She told the Guardian, “They’re really annoying, especially in the workplace. They're like: 'Nah, I'm not feeling it today. I'm gonna come in at 10:30 a.m."
"Or in emails, I'll tell them: 'This is all grammatically incorrect. Did you not check your spelling?' And they're like: 'Why would I do that, isn't that kind of limiting?'"
Because Gen Z culture is in the news again, let's take a look at what people on X or Twitter have to say about it...
Gen Z culture is...
1.These emojis: 😙✌️
Gen z culture is saying something very traumatic and depressing then go 😗✌️
2. Not knowing how to watch cable:
gen z culture is not knowing how to turn the tv on to watch cable
— m (@idiottrain) January 12, 2020
3.Making an Instagram account for disposable cameras:
Gen Z culture is making an Instagram account for your disposable camera
4.Having multiple conversations with the same person on different apps:
Gen Z culture is having two different conversations with the same person on different apps
5.Weird movie/song references:
Gen Z culture is hearing a really famous song from the 80’s and only knowing it from some movie like Paul Blart: Mall Cop
6.Adding "just kidding" to everything:
Gen Z culture is adding "just kidding" after stating a fact, to convince ourselves that we're doing okay.
7.Memes and moods:
gen Z culture is rlly just about posting an abstract meaningless meme on story and everybody replying to it with a ‘moood’ 🥴
8.Making typos on purpose:
gen z culture is making typos voluntarily to accentuate the lol
9. Always having their phones on silent:
Gen Z culture is to have my phone on silence from the very moment I bought it.
— Andrés (@Damndres) November 26, 2020
10. Saying "This is so much":
Gen Z culture is saying “this is so much” whenever something mildly inconvenient happens
— Dizzy Izzy✨ (@whip4equality) February 12, 2021
11. Reposting videos before watching them:
gen z culture is reposting a video before you watch it
— ΛVᎶZIᏁᎶ (@AvgZing) February 18, 2021
12. Never updating Facebook profile pictures:
gen z culture is having a facebook profile picture that isn’t been updated in 4 years
— anna shea (@ashea1099) April 15, 2021
13. Chucking phones across rooms to show people things:
Gen Z culture is chucking your phone at someone across the room when you want to show them something
— uh-lean (@izaliney) May 3, 2021
14. Never using voicemail:
gen z culture is not knowing how to set up voicemail
— Trip (@tripishot123) July 3, 2021
15. Astrology:
peak gen z culture is consulting the stars and horoscopes to see if we should do something or not that day
— nat 🦋 (@luneclarity) July 30, 2021
16. Being terrified to call people:
gen z culture is trying to go out for dinner and no one wanting to call the restaurant for a reservation 💀
— jayla ☆ (@withloveyooh) August 28, 2021
Gen z culture is over-apologizing or over-thanking people for your parents when you're out with them
18. Teaching parents that weed isn't actually that bad:
Gen z culture is teaching your parents weed isn’t as bad as they were told growing up
— Ari (@arii_923) September 18, 2021
19.Not knowing who Ryan Seacrest is:
Gen Z culture is hearing the name Ryan Seacrest in every movie and tv show yet still having no idea what he looks like
20.Having conversations on Google Docs:
Gen z culture is having a conversation on a google doc
21.The "Cup" song:
Gen Z culture is doing the cup song on random cylindrical objects when bored
22.Only using dark mode:
gen z culture is bullying ur friends for not having their apps on dark mode
23.Being obsessed with manifestation:
Gen Z culture is replacing religious faith with ✨ manifestation ✨
24.Taking pictures while having mental breakdowns:
gen z culture is taking pictures of yourself while you’re having a mental breakdown
25.Never charging phones:
gen z culture is letting your phone die bc the charger is too far from the couch
26.Switching between "u" and "you":
Gen z culture is switching between u and you in text messages
27.Typing in either all lower or uppercase letters:
gen z culture is typing in all lower caps or all upper caps w no in between
28.Live tweeting doctors appointments:
gen z culture is live tweeting ur doctors appointments
29.Listening to vinyl with Airpods:
Gen Z culture is listening to vinyl with airpods
30. Redoing keyboard smashes:
gen z culture is redoing a keyboard smash bc the first one was ugly
— Lyle⁷ | Horizon out now! (@BTS_mp7) November 20, 2022
31. Cryptic Instagram posts:
Gen z culture is posting 16 pictures on Instagram of a streetlight that aren’t in focus with the caption “last week 💓”
— Casper (@brandon__casper) December 7, 2022
32. Always checking pronouns in bio:
Gen Z culture is checking the bio for pronouns before you go off on them
— tee (@terri_zhane) January 23, 2023
33. Wearing their parent's vintage clothes:
gen z culture is wearing ur mom's pearls and ur dad's vintage button down to the club
— big bowl of homemade pasta (@ZoeInTheory) February 6, 2023
34. BeReal:
gen z culture is finding out your friend has covid from their BeReal
— meg 🌲 (@megparker20) February 15, 2023
35. Being dramatic:
Gen Z culture is calling yourself unhinged when you’re literally just listening to a Taylor Swift song
— hopbub (@hopeybubs) November 12, 2021
36. Texting with friends who are 3-feet away:
gen z culture is texting full convos with your friend when they're 3 feet away
— jenna (@pnwjenna) December 2, 2021
37. Being both hypersensitive and desensitized to everything:
Gen Z culture is being both hypersensitive AND desensitized at the same time towards a lotta things, change my mind.
— Callahan Clarke (@CalmThyPalm) February 12, 2022
38. Never learning their friend's addresses:
gen z culture is not knowing your friends’ actual address (like floor and shit) because you always text them so that they open the door
— mj (@idkcaseywtv) April 14, 2022
39. Not drinking soda:
gen z culture is having friends that have done every drug under the sun but dont drink soda bc its “unhealthy”
— m o n k e y b r a i n (hot girl era) (@boiarmadillo) May 25, 2022
40. Speeding up old songs:
Gen z culture is just speeding up throwback songs from like 2010
— bmo (@dhozv) September 20, 2022
41. Adding "ussy" to every word:
gen z culture is putting "ussy" after every word and thinking you're original and funny
— mikhail (@mikhailcazi) October 13, 2022
42. And lastly...
Gen Z culture is just Millennial culture remastered
— Yo Gabapentin (@SomeTweeter420) November 16, 2022