The 80 Best Newlywed Game Questions to Get the Party Started

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Newlywed Game Questions the Whole Party Will LoveKlaus Vedfelt - Getty Images

Planning a bridal shower for your bestie and scratching your head over what games you should include? Or maybe you're looking for a fun activity for her bachelorette party or are helping out by organizing some entertainment options for her engagement party or wedding? No matter the event celebrating the happy couple, you're sure to hit a home run by asking them a few rounds of our Newlywed Game questions! ICYDK, this super fun contest, which is based on the wacky hit TV show from the 60s, tests how well a twosome knows each other. It's easy to play, too:

  • Have one partner leave the room while the other answers a series of questions from our list below.

  • Bring the partner back, and ask them the same questions. Award them a point for each question they answer correctly.

  • Switch it up by sending the other partner out and playing a new round with a different set of questions. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins!

To get you started, we've rounded up some truly funny questions that will get everyone giggling ("Who would survive longer in a zombie apocalypse and why?"), as well flirty questions like "Where's the weirdest place you've ever kissed?" and even questions about the couple's "firsts," including "What was your first fight about?" We've also tossed in some softball queries, too, so they're guaranteed to get at least a few right, as well as some head-scratchers, just to keep them on their toes. In fact, these Newlywed Game questions are so good, you just might want to bust them out on your next night in with the gang.

Funny Newlywed Game Questions

  1. What traffic sign best describes your spouse on a bad day?

  2. Who hogs the covers?

  3. You're shipwrecked on a deserted island. Who eats who to survive?

  4. What's their weirdest habit?

  5. Who's the more likely to take over the planet as an evil genius?

  6. How would your spouse react to a flying cockroach?

  7. Which Disney character are they most like?

  8. If your spouse could domesticate any animal and keep it as a pet, what would they choose?

  9. What is the one thing they're most likely to end up in jail for?

  10. Would your spouse say you have a better sense of humor, sense of time, sense of adventure or common sense?

  11. Would your spouse rather be able to make themselves invisible or travel through time?

  12. Who is the most competitive?

  13. Which piece of clothing of theirs do you hate the most?

  14. Who would survive longer in a zombie apocalypse and why?

  15. What is the most embarrassing thing you've done as a couple?

  16. Who is more likely to get into a street brawl, and win?

Easy Newlywed Game Questions

  1. What is your spouse's zodiac sign?

  2. How did you two meet?

  3. Who cooks the most?

  4. Would your spouse say you're an early bird or a night owl?

  5. What's their favorite season?

  6. How long did you date before getting engaged?

  7. Who is the pickier eater?

  8. How many sets of dishes do you two own?

  9. What's you and your spouse's song?

  10. How does your spouse like their steak cooked?

  11. What was the last date you two went on?

  12. What is your spouse's pet name for you?

  13. Who orders more often from Amazon?

  14. What kind of birthday cake is their favorite?

  15. Who is more disciplined?

  16. Who snores louder?

Flirty Newlywed Game Questions

  1. Who's the better kisser?

  2. Where's the weirdest place you've ever kissed?

  3. Who is your spouse's celeb crush?

  4. How does your spouse let you know they're in the mood?

  5. What physical feature of yours do they like best?

  6. Who gets stuck on the "giving" end of massages the most?

  7. What would your spouse say is your bra size?

  8. Who usually makes the first move?

  9. Has your spouse ever been to a gentlemen's club?

  10. Who has the most exes?

  11. Who is more likely to send a naughty pic?

  12. Who is the bigger flirt?

  13. What does your spouse wear to bed?

  14. If your spouse were to bring food into the bedroom, what would they choose?

  15. Who was your spouse's first sweetheart?

  16. Would your spouse go skinny dipping??

"Firsts" Newlywed Game Questions

  1. Who made the first move?

  2. What was the first concert you attended together?

  3. Who said "I love you" first?

  4. What's the first trip you took together?

  5. What was your first fight about?

  6. What was the first movie you went to together?

  7. Who brought up marriage first?

  8. What was the first big thing you ever bought together?

  9. Who burped in front of the other one first?

  10. Who cried in front of the other first and what about?

  11. What was the first meal you ever made for them?

  12. What is your first memory of your spouse?

  13. What was the first gift they ever got you?

  14. What was your first impression of your spouse?

  15. When and where was your first dance?

  16. Who met who's friends first?

Tough Newlywed Game Questions

  1. Who's the cheapskate?

  2. What was your spouse wearing on your first date?

  3. Who is the better liar?

  4. What's your spouse's favorite book?

  5. If your spouse could go back to school for anything, what would they study?

  6. What was your spouse's first job?

  7. Which of your spouse's habits annoys you most?

  8. Who's the most stubborn?

  9. Who gives the better gifts?

  10. What was your worst date?

  11. Do you evenly divide the household chores?

  12. What would your spouse do with a whole day off to themselves and no chores to take care of?

  13. Fill in the blank: We are total opposites when it comes to _______.

  14. Would your spouse say he married up, or you did?

  15. Who apologizes first?

  16. How would your partner choose to get famous?

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