89 Ridiculously Dumb Things People Posted Online This Year That Honestly Have Me Thinking The Internet Was A Mistake
1.This person forgot about sports existing outside of America.
2.This commenter didn't understand how long a week was.
3.This person thought there was no one in the land that would become the United States before colonists arrived.
4.This person thought people only use military time during a war.
5.Relatedly, this person had a "light bulb" moment about military time they needed to share.
6.This person was certainly no nutritionist.
7.This person thought Wi-Fi didn't use the internet.
8.This person claimed that "very little has art ever been political."
9.This person was just really, really wrong about the sun.
10.As was this person.
11.This person forgot Hawaii is a part of the US.
12.This post was just a train wreck.
13.And this whole post is just a mess all around.
14.This person was just really, really confused.
15.This person thought "Mexican" was a language.
16.This person thought you could put silverware in the microwave.
17.This person couldn't distinguish between Austria and Australia, even when corrected.
18.This person asked a very dumb question.
19.This person thought the only difference between a hurricane and a tornado was severity.
20.This person was hilariously clueless about hair parting. Do they think all hair on your head grows from one line???
21.This person really, really didn't understand the term "median."
22.This person suggested that the government controls the weather.
23.This person decided to share their foolish conspiracy theory.
24.This person got annoyed someone on the BBC had a British accent.
25.This person thought that ADHD was "a part of the autism spectrum."
26.This person failed to understand time zones.
27.This person claimed vaccines cause...(checks notes) marriage?
28.This person decided Americans were "also Europeans."
29.This person said all of Europe could fit in a single US state.
30.And this person thought Texas had more roads than the entirety of Europe.
31.This person tried to brag about their intelligence...with an IQ of 84 (the average is about 100).
32.These comments actually made me lose brain cells.
33.I'm gonna assume the first person was trolling, but this second person seemed to think the things you eat and drink go into your lungs.
34.This person claimed traveling across the ocean was impossible.
35.This person tried to claim no Christian ever killed someone because of their Christian beliefs (forgetting the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Conquistadors, etc.).
36.This person thought a trinity meant a "solid group of people," regardless of the number.
37.These people forgot about Spain.
38.This person claimed Americans aren't colonizers.
39.This person made an absolutely unhinged claim.
40.This person didn't recognize their own state's flag.
41.This person thought their grandparents were King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
42.This person was confused about the English.
43.This person seemed to think the US once invaded Europe.
44.This person needs to go back to sex ed class.
45.As does this person.
46.This person claimed South Africa is a continent.
47.This person corrected someone's (correct) use of "to."
48.This ridiculously uninformed person probably should've refrained from posting.
49.This person made a wild claim.
50.This person forgot that May is, in fact, National Military Appreciation Month.
51.This person seemed to think adding defibrillators meant that more people would be "dropping dead" soon.
52.This person claimed the Ancient Greeks didn't have same-sex relationships...and that they were Christian.
53.This person claimed that Brazilian and Mexican people speak the same language and have similar cultures.
54.This person asked a head-scratching question.
55.This person tweeted one of the dumbest questions ever.
56.This person thought Pennsylvania was not a part of America.
57.This person thought they got a "fake" avocado.
58.This person didn't think eggs carry any DNA.
59.This man thought he knew more about menstruation than women.
60.These clueless idiots were clearly sexist.
61.As was this person.
62.This person thought Utah was in South America.
63.This confused tick-fearer needed to do some more reading.
64.This has got to be one of the dumbest things posted on the internet, not just this year but ever.
65.This person claimed there is no American accent.
66.This person really didn't understand alphabetical order.
67.This person asked why we can't "just conquer North Korea."
68.This person claimed that the US has the best music...then listed a bunch of European musicians.
69.This person said there was no separation of church and state in the constitution and got quickly schooled.
70.This person claimed pizza is an American invention.
71.This person said cars were also invented in America.
72.This person claimed "airplanes aren't real."
73.This person thought the story of Adam and Eve was a lesson on female anatomy.
74.This person had clearly never had a sex ed lesson in their life.
75.This person tried to make a point and failed completely.
76.This person made so many erroneous, dumb claims that I'm surprised they didn't delete their account after.
77.This person thought that 30% of the world celebrates Thanksgiving.
78.This person just could not be more incorrect about geography and seasons.
79.This person claimed only America drinks cold beer.
80.This person needed a grammar lesson.
81.As did this person — who ironically complained about grammar.
82.This person called the metric system, which basically every other country in the world uses, "useless" — then another person chimed in with an incorrect conversion of 300kph.
83.This person claimed, "Women don't have a urethra."
84.This person forgot about South America, and the fact that Mexico is also a part of North America.
85.This person was confused about the efficacy of vaccines.
86.And this person thought the flu shot was not a vaccine.
87.This person didn't think Wales was a country.
88.This person said, "We use MPH in this country," on Reddit, which is not a country, while talking about an Australian magazine.
89.And finally, this person thought 2003 was 30 years ago — and on top of that, they were racist.