Abigail Disney Calls Out Disney CEO Bob Iger

abigail disney bob iger
Abigail Disney Calls Out Disney CEO Bob IgerGetty Images (2)

Abigail Disney is making headlines this summer0.

The grand-niece of Walt Disney was arrested earlier this month in the Hamptons in a climate change protest, and now she's speaking out against billionaires—and Disney CEO Bob Iger.

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Disney was asked if Iger was the right person to lead the company. She responded, "That's such a hard thing to say. And obviously, if I say 'no' to that question, that will haunt me on Google for the rest of my life. It’s really hard to say. I’ll say that what we need now isn’t what we’ve been needing for the last forty years because it’s just a very different climate."

She added, "I really think it’s time for businesses to reimagine what the point of a corporation is, and why a corporation exists, and if we’re going to think of ourselves as a bunch of businesses creating livelihood for people, we need to rethink how we create those livelihoods. We need to question this notion that capital only belongs to owners when we can’t achieve anything without workers. We’re doing capitalism wrong, and we’re going to kill ourselves in the process unless we rethink it."

In another part of the interview, she discussed the fact that Iger made $65 million in 2018, or 1,424 times the median salary of a Disney employee. Disney said, "A CEO should be like a ship captain. You want that job and the shiny uniform, but you need to agree to the terms. And if you have $65 million in your pocket, and there are people in your company who are struggling to put food on the table, that should not feel good to you. You shouldn’t be able to sleep well at night. I woke up one day and realized that, just by virtue of being born lucky, I had so much more than everyone else. And I don't think I've slept well since I figured that out."

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