Influencer Allison Kimmey slams the 'legging legs' trend that's now banned from TikTok

The hashtag "#legginglegs" has been replaced with information on eating disorders by TikTok.

Allison Kinney slammed the now-banned
Allison Kinney slammed the now-banned "legging legs" trend on TikTok. (Image via Instagram/AllisonKimmey)

Allison Kimmey is speaking out against a controversial trend that's been banned from TikTok.

The Florida-based self-love advocate took to Instagram on Tuesday to rebuke the "legging legs" trend which featured women showing off their thigh gaps, indirectly declaring a certain leg shape ideal for wearing leggings.

Kimmey joined a chorus of voices who pushed back against the "#legginglegs" hashtag, which has since been banned from TikTok and replaced with information on eating disorders.

In an Instagram Reel, Kimmey confidently modelled a pair of purple yoga pants and explained why she will always wear whatever makes her feel good.

"Why not wear what I want? I'm a grown woman and I do what I want," she said.

"If my body offends somebody, that's their problem," she added. "The only one that matters is the opinion I have of myself, and guess what, babes? I think I'm pretty freaking awesome."

In her caption, Kimmey elaborated on her disapproval of the "legging legs" concept and expressed frustration at the regression of the body positivity movement.

"On the topic of 'leggings legs,' which is some buzz word crap going around TikTok to decide if you have legs suitable for leggings... like what in the 2000s is this?!" she penned.

Kimmey told followers after speaking to friends in the body positivity community, they all agree "the visibility and intention behind this movement has gone backwards."

"I feel like I'm in pre-2020 again when it was such a foreign concept," she continued. "I'm not willing to watch it get erased, even if the brands are ready to opt out of booking visibly plus creators now that they are done performing for our dollars and then removing their extending sizing."

Kimmey expressed her frustration for the current climate of fatphobia and said she fears for her tween daughter who is at "the ripest age for consuming these made up body standard messages."

"It's exhausting, but I know that now more than ever we need voices continuing the conversation and replacing 'legging legs' with positive self-worth chats and showing our bodies just as they are, living and enjoying and thriving." she wrote. "You are worthy at any size. You deserve respect, love [and] opportunities, no matter how big your tummy (or insert your own insecurity here) is. And you certainly are allowed to wear whatever you want."

Fans applauded Kimmey's important reminder in the comments.

"This is awesome," a follower said. "You look darling! I see your belly and it's beautiful. You look great and you inspire me to show and 'wear' my belly. It's a part of me!"

"I love your attitude about your body and clothes," another wrote. "I have a belly, too, but I do everything I can to make it less noticeable. Proud of you for standing up and being seen."

Body-positivity influencer Mik Zazon shared a TikTok also condemning the "legging legs" trend that has garnered more than 2.4 million views.

"We are not doing this," she began the clip. "Legging legs? It might be one of the most Eurocentric bulls— beauty standards I've ever heard. People who have thigh gaps only have them because of genetics. Because of your bone structure, because of their hip structure.

"These trends have got to stop. So harmful and toxic. We have young girls right now who think that they can't wear a wardrobe essential."

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