If so, it might be time for you to unwind with some superb owls. These quirky birds might not be able to play football, but they still have so much to offer.
Even if you’re not an animal enthusiast, you might just find yourself fascinated by this lovely photo gallery full of super owl facts. After all, these critters can get pretty weird. Dive into the strange world of owl lore below, and find even more odd animal facts here!
A group of owls is called a parliament
Owls can live up to 25 years old
An owl's eye color indicates when it likes to hunt (day, twilight or night)
Owls vomit after hunting, often spitting out indigestible parts like fur and bones
Owls have three eyelids
Not all species of owls can hoot
Owls do not build their own nests and often taken a nest built by another bird to lay eggs
An owl's heart rate can beat as fast as 400 times per minute