America's oldest man relied on daily walks, unprocessed food, and hobbies to stay lucid until 110 years old

A centenarian man with glasses smiling while holding an open notebook with handwriting that says: "Please — don't bend over too far to look into canyon. It's a 'big hole' and far down. P.S. You and Nancy are beautiful couple. 'Mucho' love 'Morrie' 5-19-23"
Morrie Markoff, a writer, photographer, and sculptor, was America's oldest known living man before his death this year at age 110.Courtesy of the Markoff family
  • Morrie Markoff was the oldest known man in the US when he died in early June.

  • His daughter said habits such as walking daily and pursuing artistic hobbies kept him healthy.

  • Markoff donated his brain to help scientists better understand aging and cognitive health.

Before becoming the oldest man in America, Morrie Markoff technically died — but not for long.

Just before he turned 99, Markoff, an avid traveler, photographer, and sculptor with a keen interest in discussing world events, had a heart attack. While he was in the hospital, a machine malfunctioned, and Markoff's heart stopped beating for several minutes, his daughter, Judith Hansen, told Business Insider.

But not only was he revived, but Markoff went on to live more than a decade more, authoring a book and passionately pursuing his lifelong love of learning. Last year, at 109, he went viral for celebrating his birthday with a performance from a belly dancer.

At 110 years old, he was the oldest known living American man prior to his death in early June.

Now, he's set another record, this time as the oldest healthy brain donation on record.

Despite his advanced age, Markoff remained lucid and free of neurological diseases, and studying his healthy brain could help researchers understand cognitive decline and aging through the Brain Donor Project.

Simple diet and exercise habits, along with his constant curiosity and community engagement, kept him physically and mentally healthy over the years, according to Hansen, now 83 and following his example.

"I'm living the same way," she said. "Because it worked."

Walking was his main form of exercise

For many years, Markoff and his wife, Betty, who lived to be 103, walked 3 miles a day around the reservoir near their home, and maintained the habit well into their 90s, Hansen said.

Near the end of his life, Markoff stayed active even when it meant doing laps indoors.

"My dad would walk around the dining-room table with the caregiver," Hansen said. "The joke was that we should put another leaf on the table to make it bigger because it was his race track. He always said, 'I've got to get my exercise.'"

Research suggests walking is a science-based strategy to boost longevity and reduce the risk of illnesses like heart disease, even if you add just a few hundred steps a day.

He didn't eat processed food but enjoyed dessert

Markoff didn't live to 110 by eating organic superfoods, but he wasn't a fan of junk food either.

The family ate simple, home-cooked meals, which regularly included small portions of dessert, Hansen said.

"Everything they did in moderation," she said. "We didn't have store-bought cookies or soda, but there was nothing fancy."

The Markoffs were also prescient about avoiding plastic bottles, which research is now linking to health risks like diabetes.

He stayed curious and engaged

Though Markoff grew up poor and dropped out of school by eighth grade, he had a persistent passion for learning new things and connecting with his community.

A centenarian man posing for a picture with a young man, his grandson, in a room with pictures on the wall behind them.
Markoff with his grandson.Courtesy of the Markoff Family

"He and my mom were very connected to the world. They got up every morning and read the LA Times," Hansen said.

The couple also went all over the world, including to Mexico just after the Pan-American Highway was built in the early 1950s, and visiting Eastern Europe, Japan, and China.

"They weren't the cruise type," Hansen said. "That was much too tame. They took buses and trains all over."

Markoff loved sharing his knowledge. From the mid-2000s onward, he began a daily writing habit that later became a blog and eventually a book. At age 103, he was attending book events and signing copies for fans.

He also pursued artistic forms of expression such as photography and creating sculptures from scrap metal, and he wasn't shy about taking pride in his art, trying to donate his works to a museum, Hansen said.

His creativity and curiosity most likely helped keep him mentally sharp. Evidence suggests learning new things as you age can keep your brain active.

Hansen said he was constantly sharing his knowledge in life and would have been thrilled that his brain would be a lasting contribution to the science he loved so much.

"He would have been so happy," she said. "It's the most wonderful legacy."

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