Asian hornets survive UK winter for first time amid spike in sightings
Asian hornets could be here to stay in the UK after DNA testing confirmed they survived winter for the first time.
The invasive species, which has the scientific name vespa velutina, dismembers and eats bees and poses a threat to local pollinators and ecosystems.
They are thriving in France and there have been increasing reports in recent years of sightings in southern England.
Earlier this month the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said there was no solid evidence that the hornets stayed here over winter.
But testing by the government-backed National Bee Unit (NBU) has shown that three queen hornets caught at Four Oaks, East Sussex, are the offspring of a nest destroyed in nearby Rye in November 2023 - suggesting that the hornets are breeding in the UK.
However, the NBU said it would need to see evidence of a population of the creatures reproducing for a “significant” number of generations before classifying them as naturalised in the UK.
What to do if you see an Asian hornet
The Asian hornet is smaller than our native hornet, with adult workers measuring from 25mm in length and queens measuring 30mm
The abdomen is mostly black except for the fourth abdominal segment which has a yellow band. It has characteristically yellow legs which accounts for why it is often called the yellow legged hornet and its face is orange with two brownish red compound eyes
If you think you have seen an Asian hornet, please notify the Great British Non Native Species Secretariat (NNSS) immediately. In the first instance sightings should be reported through the free Asian Hornet Watch App, available for Android and iPhone
Other methods of reporting the hornet also include using the NNSS online notification form. Finally, you can send any suspect sightings to the Non Native Species email address
Where possible, a photo, the location of the sighting and a description of the insect seen should be included
If you would like to know more about the Asian hornet or any other Invasive Species, the NNSS website provides a great deal of information about the wide ranging work that is being done to tackle invasive species and tools to facilitate those working in this area
Source: National Bee Unit
The presence of the hornets was first confirmed for the first time in France back in 2004 when they were found in the southwestern region of Lot-et-Garonne.
They were believed to have been imported in a consigned of pottery from China and later spread to several regions in France.
In 2016, the Asian hornet was discovered in the UK for the first time, in Tetbury. The nest was found and destroyed after 10 days of intensive searching by authorities.
But there have been subsequent sightings with action taken to find and destroy nests.
In 2023 alone, the NBU said it destroyed 72 nests in 56 locations with the majority affected in Kent.
Eight sightings have been reported in the UK so far this year including three within one week in May. Most have been spotted in East Sussex and Kent.
All hornets found have been likely to be from the European population rather than a new incursion from Asia, the NBU added.
The hornets are, however, established in Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Jersey.
They prey on a wide range of insects including honeybees and disrupt the ecological role they provide.
It has also altered the biodiversity in regions of France where it is present and can be a health risk to those who have allergies to hornet or wasp stings.