August 2024 Will Bring Answers To Burning Career Questions

copenhagen, denmark august 11 a guest l wears a red large headband, gold earrings, a green halter neck  sleeveless  long silk dress, a neon pink sponge shoulder bag, a guest r wears a green scarf as a headband, a silver chains necklace, a black leather and embroidered silver rhinestones shoulder bag, white lace print pattern tank top body, neon green shiny leather high gloves, a black leather lace belt from prada, black and green leaves print pattern short skirt, outside ganni, during copenhagen fashion week springsummer 2023, on august 11, 2022 in copenhagen, denmark photo by edward berthelotgetty images
Your August 2024 Monthly Horoscope ExplainedEdward Berthelot

As we hurtle into the last official month of summer (well, perhaps just don’t look to the grey, drizzly skies for evidence), it may well be time to take stock of how far you’ve come this year, and the journey still remaining to go. In fact, if our August 2024 horoscope is anything to go by, there’s set to be no shortage of playfulness prescribed nor perseverance required for the remaining months of the year.

That's not to say that the final hurrah of summer will be all plain sailing; far from it, in fact. Mercury will begin to retrograde on August 4 and will bring with it all of the disturbances that are synonymous with retrogrades.


But fear not, it is summer after all, so there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The full moon in Aquarius and the Mercury cazimi on August 19 will provide clarity to the bumps that might have appeared in the August road, before Virgo season commences on August 22, which is the ultimate period of practicality and purpose. It might not all be plain sailing, but there are definitely answers ahead for those who seek them this August.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If you're feeling like it's all just got a little bit too much, dear Aries, then August is the month to start putting your ducks in a row. The Mercury retrograde, which will enter your sixth house of work on August 5, will provide you with the mental clarity to start formatting and organising your life. Ask yourself the questions of where it is that you're trying to travel to and what it is you're hoping to find there, and use this headspace to try and set in motion the answers to some of those questions.

The second half of the month might prove difficult for you, but that's only to be expected given that Mercury, the planet of communication, is in retrograde for the month of August. Try and use the stumbling blocks that might appear around August 19 to reevaluate what it is that you're looking for and what the best mode of emotional travel might be for you to get there.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

From the moment that Mercury begins its retrograde through Virgo until August 29, you may well start to feel a pinch of pressure from those that you hold dear to your heart. Don't be dissuaded though; August is going to prove transformational for all of the signs of the zodiac, and Taurus is no different.

It will be around the middle of August that your biggest obstacles of the month may confront you, but don't be dismayed. A full moon will be arriving in your tenth house, which means that some good and long-awaited news may will be coming your way.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This month may not seem like plain sailing to you, but all will become clear before you know it. Mars and Jupiter will form a conjunction in Gemini on August 14, with Mars entering Saturn just two days later. In short, this is a lot of movement within the planets that could very well make you feel downtrodden.

Don't you dare be disheartened though, for what goes down must also come back up again, and the second half of the month will bring you unexpected messages that you may well have been waiting a while for...

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Get ready to have one hell of a creative month of brainstorming and actioning your dreams, Cancer. With a new moon in your second house, which dictates are material possessions, there is a bounty of opportunities that will unfurl ahead of you, so remember to keep your eyes to the stars and dream big.

August will also bring a full moon into your eight house, which dictates intimacy and pleasure, so beware that this could either mean deep and meaningful liaisons with a partner or explosive arguments. Your energy will dictate where the full throttle energy of a full moon will go.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Get ready to fire on all cylinders this month, dear Leo. The sun will be shining in your second house, which will make this the perfect period to reflect on how you can best capitalise on your gifts.

But it's not all work, work, work this month; a full moon in the seventh house of romance nods to a potential frisson that will either gain momentum or send you tumbling head over heels in love with somebody. This is your month! Channel that energy accordingly.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

August might mark the beginning of Virgo season, but that's not to say that it will be all plain sailing. Given that Mercury, which is your ruling planet, will begin its retrograde this month and it may well have repercussions on personal matters close to your heart.

The retrograde begins on August 4, which may be the root of any sadness or confusion you feel, but on the same date Venus, which is the ruler of abundance, also enters your sign so if you feel yourself experiencing a strained form of emotional whiplash, hold on; this too shall pass. The emotional toll of the month may well signal the need for some self-care, which will be beckoned when a full moon enters your sixth house, before Venus moves into your second house on August 29, which is when the tides will turn and blessings will fall like leaves from an autumnal tree.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

As Venus enters Virgo on August 4, it’ll be important to try to prioritise your physical and mental health, and due to influences in your fourth House (which dictates your domestic affairs) and eleventh house of friendship, you may well find yourself thinking about the future or those you cherish closely to your heart.

This in tandem with an Aquarius full moon in your fifth house of pleasure winks to the fun you may well be having throughout the month of August. Libra season is almost upon us, and the fun really is only just getting started.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Early August marks the beginning of the Mercury retrograde, so don't be perturbed if your interactions are proving difficult or something isn't quite going the way you want it to, just hang in there.

As a new moon enters your tenth house, which nods to bigger and better things in the workplace, don't forget to think deeply and seriously about where your priorities lie.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Venus will enter your tenth house, which dictates your social life, around the same time as Mercury begins retrograding this month. While that's not bad news per se, it will make your social circles the topic of your thoughts for the month of August; are there friends that are no longer serving you, or friends you want to build closer bonds with? This is the month to think deeply about it.

The sun also moves into your ambitious tenth house this month, which will help you feel accomplished despite any setbacks you may have experienced as a result of the retrograde.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

This month promises a glittering financial gain of some kind, dear Capricron. Despite Mercury's dreaded retrograde, there's a full moon in your second house of abundance that indicates the fact that you may well receive welcome financial news or professional gain in some way.

Then, as Virgo season begins towards the end of August, the sun will move into your ninth house, which nods to the busy weeks you have ahead of you. If you're feeling a little frazzled towards the end of the month, fear not. That's only to be expected during a month of retrograde, just remember to give yourself the time and space that you need.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

As Mercury begins its retrograde, prepare for communication mishaps to come in hot and heavy. It might be by way of travel disruptions or hearing from an ex who's decided to put their ghost mode behind them; whatever it might be, this is a spiritual month for you so proceed with caution.

Look out for August 18 and 19, both of which are dates are are pivotal for you. There’s an Aquarius Full Moon on August 19 that coincides with a Mercury cazimi, which will inspire you to change things up in your close relationships, particularly when it comes to one partnership you may have been experiencing some challenges with.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This month will signal abundant blessings for you, Pisces. Venus will be moving into your seventh house early in the month, which will infinitely bless your relationship with those nearest and dearest to you, while Virgo season itself is a great time to dive deeper into burgeoning love-ins. Is this month the time to give yourself fully to that special somebody? It may well be.

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