'Bird Box Barcelona's Cliffhanger Could Mean Another Sequel Is Coming 👀

bird box barcelona
'Bird Box Barcelona' Ending Explained Netflix

If you were scrolling through Netflix during the winter of 2018, you'll probably remember seeing Sandra Bullock's Bird Box in the carousel of hot new movies. The horror film followed Malorie Hayes (played by Bullock), who leads two children through an apocalyptic world to a safe utopia. In the film, the country was overrun with a mysterious creature that caused people to go insane when they looked at it, and often, led them to die by suicide. As a result, everyone would cover up their eyes when they went outside.

In the original Bird Box, there are some characters who can look at the mysterious creature and survive, but the film never gives a lot of explanation for how this is possible. Enter: Bird Box Barcelona. In the new film sequel, the audience hears things from the perspective of the troubled characters in the first film, including Sebastián, the new film's main character. Sebastián is among a group of people (known as "seers") who can look at the creature and survive. And he makes it his life mission to force other people in Barcelona to look at the creature and die.

With such a disturbing and confusing premise, you may have left your couch with a few follow-up questions. Don't fret. Women's Health has you covered on any and all questions about the Bird Box universe below.

Warning! Spoilers ahead. Stop reading if you don't want to know what happens at the end of the movie.

Is Bird Box Barcelona connected to Bird Box?

'bird box barcelona'
In both Bird Box films, people who look at the creature often die by suicide. Netflix

Yes! The stories are not exactly the same, but the events in both movies happen around the same time. Bird Box takes place in the United States, while Bird Box Barcelona takes place in Spain.

Sandra Bullock, sadly, does not make an appearance in Bird Box Barcelona. Instead, the film follows Sebastián, played by Mario Casas. This character is a "seer," which also flips the script on the original Bird Box film.

Do you see the monster in Bird Box Barcelona?

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Nope. Similarly to the first film, Bird Box Barcelona never shows the audience what the monster looks like, which obviously builds up a lot of suspense. In the movie, characters explain that the monster causes a person to visualize their greatest fear, or most negative emotions. So the "monster" could just reflect a vision of what people fear above all else.

Unlike most of the original Bird Box characters, Barcelona's Sebastián believes the creature is a divine entity, rather than something evil. When he sees people look at the creature and die, he believes he is "freeing" them. In fact, the monster shows itself to Sebastián in the form of his late daughter, Anna.

For Sebastián, seeing his daughter die was his worst fear, and her apparition convinced him that he was doing the right thing by forcing people to look at the creature, per Decider.

Who survived in Bird Box Barcelona?

At the end of the film, Sebastián seems to recognize that his beliefs about the monster are wrong. He ends up sacrificing himself to protect two other characters that he planned to expose the monster to: Claire and Sofia.

Similarly to the first Bird Box film, Claire and Sofia make it to an encampment of survivors and are temporarily safe from the creature.

What does the ending of Bird Box Barcelona mean?

Once Claire and Sofia make it to safety, the plotline is pretty much at its end. Sofia reunites with her mother, and Claire is taken away to be examined by a doctor.

The doctor draws Claire's blood to develop an antibody from the creatures. The doctor also explains why Sebastián and other characters in the Bird Box universe react differently to the monster. He says that extreme stress and grief can cause a change in DNA, leading to different reactions when seeing the creature.

Another man, who, like Sebastián, believes the entity is divine, also has his blood taken by the doctor. The final scene in the movie shows the doctor injecting the man's blood into a rat. It's unclear what happens after this point, but it might mean that the Bird Box doctor will be able to find an antidote for the mysterious monster's effects. The movie's cliffhanger ending could also leave room for more sequels to the Bird Box universe. Only time will tell!

Was Gary from Bird Box already infected?

After watching Bird Box Barcelona, you may be remembering one other troublesome seer from the original movie named Gary. While Gary isn't in the new movie, he is in the Sandra Bullock film.

In the original film, he joins Mallorie's group of survivors after explaining that he was with a group of survivors who were able to look at the entity. Unfortunately, Gary ends up forcing several people in the film to look at the evil entity, causing them to die by suicide.

According to Bird Box Barcelona's explanation of how seers are able to function after looking at the monster, it's likely that Gary's mind reacted similarly to Sebastián's after seeing the monster. Gary probably saw people close to him die before he looked directly at the entity, allowing him to survive through seeing his "deepest fear." So, while he was already infected, his mind reacted to the creature in a different way.

You can watch Bird Box Barcelona on Netflix now.

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