12 Expert Marriage Tips from Non-Experts

Wedding cake
Wedding cake

Everyone's an expert, right? Just ask them.

We here at Babble are no exception. And you don't even have to ask us. You can just hit "REFRESH" and there we are - again - with yet more ways to do something. Anything, really. Particularly when it comes to something in a house, on the news, with a kid, simmering on a stove, while disposing of a cloth diaper. (That last one was a trick, by the way! You don't dispose of cloth diapers! See! We told you something again!)

Because we're so smart and expert-y, you don't need to tell us that being married is one of the hardest things you'll ever do. Even the good relationships require tons of elbow grease. Some marriages work in ways that others never could. But sometimes a little marriage tip from a friend might help make yours a little better.

Related: 5 lessons learned from 18 years of marriage

So here are 12 of us - some of your friends right here at Babble - with what we think is good marriage advice. Hopefully it'll help you or someone you know. And if you have some good marriage advice for us, we'd love to hear it in the comment section below. (Because as much as we know, we don't really know everything. Duh.)

Angry couple
Angry couple

Going to Bed + Angry = Good
"Go to bed angry, no matter what the 'experts' say. It's better to take a break from the disagreement to get good rest and a good breakfast. That way I'm ready to face the challenge with a clearer head the next day rather than fighting in pure exhaustion at 3 a.m., when I'm more likely to say something that I really don't mean."
Beth Anne Balance


Let's Wait Awhile
"You can't truly give yourself to another person until you understand yourself, so BE PATIENT. It's better to be single wishing you were married than married wishing you were single. (I know. I should write fortune cookies.)"
John Cave Osborne

Don't say that
Don't say that

Whoops . . . Did I Say That?
"Don't say anything so hurtful during a fight that you can't take back. Like, 'You're an asshole!' is totally fine. 'You looked fat in your wedding dress!' however, is totally not fine.
Meredith Carroll

Empty Nest
Empty Nest

Oh, Right. You're Still Here.
Remember that, God willing, one day your children will move out. Hopefully your spouse will not. Sometimes you have to prioritize accordingly." Joslyn Gray

Related: 13 tips for snagging a man (circa 1938)

See No Evil
See No Evil

See No Evil
"Try to ignore the annoying things about your partner and focus on the things you love."
Cassandra Barry

On my Honor
On my Honor

On My Honor
"My wife and I don't lie to each other. A pinky-swear is as sacred as the vows we made on our wedding day."
Buzz Bishop


"Separate bathrooms."

Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Lather, Rinse, Repeat
"Say you're sorry. Forgive. Try harder next time. Rinse, repeat."
Meagan Francis

Remember me?
Remember me?

Remember Me?
"Try to remember why you got married in the first place."
Julie Van Rosendaal

Related: 7 things I wish I knew about men before I got married


This Works Both Ways. Ahem.
"Don't be stingy with the BJs."
Julie Miner

Hand holding
Hand holding

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
"Think about how you felt about each other when you first met. In difficult times, remember that feeling. Remember the excitement, the waiting by the phone, the anticipation of seeing one another again. Remember that that is the same person you're upset with, the same person who you feel has let you down. Remember why you fell in love. Remember why that love is worth nurturing and fighting for and keeping alive. Remember who you were when you fell in love, and find a way to be that person again even in times of hardship. Because you're still that person, too."
Mary Lauren Weimer


Auto-Pilot: Off
"You can't just put your marriage on auto-pilot. As hard as it is when kids are in the mix, if you plan on staying with your spouse until death do you part, you have to work on your relationship. Your marriage won't always be happy, nor will it always be bad. Just like life, you will have to ride the ups and downs and work on building a life with this person."
Molly Thornberg

-By Meredith Carroll
Follow Meredith on Babble

For 13 more expert marriage tips from non-experts, visit Babble!

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