"It Blows My Mind That Other People Don’t Do This": Adults Are Revealing The Weird "House Rules" People Have To Follow When They Visit

We all have rules we create for our homes — but sometimes, they are so unique that they might seem a little weird to others who don't live with us. So when Reddit user u/Inevitable_Kick_5014 asked: "What’s an unwritten rule in your household that would seem bizarre to outsiders? over eight thousand people shared their unique "rules." Here's some of them listed below.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

1."Replacing the trash bag IS PART OF taking out the trash."

Person in jeans and slippers putting a trash bag into a stainless steel kitchen trash can

2."If someone is voluntarily doing a chore, no one shall tell them how to do it differently unless damage is going to be incurred. If unsolicited advice *is* given without the intent to actively roll up sleeves and help, the task then belongs to the giver of the unsolicited advice."


"Sometimes, with my kids, I'll ask: 'Can I give you a tip?' If they say 'no,' I leave it lie. If they say 'Yes,' I'll give them a tip. Usually, they are appreciative (because I'm 51, I have swept the floor many thousands of times, and I've got ways to make it more efficient/easier)."


3."This is at my mom's place. If you wear long-sleeved shirts, you are exempt from doing the dishes."

A person extends their hand for a handshake. The person is wearing a denim jacket

4."Winner of a board game is charged with putting said game away."


"My family did this, too! It's a great way to minimize competition drama because the winner gets to gloat about winning while tidying up, and the rest get to gloat about not having to tidy up."


5."When someone shows you the eggs the chickens laid today, you must admire them and say ‘eggknowledged.'"

Close-up of a hand holding an egg above an open carton filled with brown eggs

6."My husband and I have a large mug that says, 'As I suspected, I was right all along.' When one of us has an 'I told you so moment' the other says, 'You get the mug tonight.' We love the laughs we have when one of us turns the corner with that big ass mug looking smug while the other has a regular 'pity' mug."


7."If you have a cat on your lap and want something from the kitchen, someone else has to get it for you. The cat must not be disturbed."

A Siamese cat peacefully sleeps with its head resting on a person's lap, who is wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans

8."If you tell me you can’t find something after I’ve told you EXACTLY WHERE IT IS, and I walk over there and find it EXACTLY WHERE I TOLD YOU IT WAS, I get to hit you with it."


"My family would be covered in bruises. I'd likely be in jail."


9."The loud noise and I’m ok rules. If you know you’re going to make a loud noise, say dropping a heavy bag down the stairs, you have to yell 'loud noise' to warn everyone that the noise was coming and planned. If you made a loud noise unplanned, you had to yell, 'I’m OK,' so no one came running or did come running. I thought you were NOT ok. Side note: this rule was created when grandpa dropped a toilet on his finger."

Person in a hallway carrying an exaggeratedly large stack of bags that obscures their face and upper body. Furniture and decor visible in the room

10."So growing up, there were the 'better' seats in the living room. And if you had one and got up, someone would likely grab it. So my siblings and I used to do this thing where we would say 'X Save' and even draw out the imaginary X on the seat. But one day, my brother pretended he had a fake eraser, erased the fake X, and took the comfy seat. So now we say, 'X Save No Erase.' And to this day, it’s just a very natural thing to do/say when we are together."

"It has also been passed on to the youngest generation. But oddly, we only do it at my mom's house. And we have longtime friends who even do it when they come over. I know it is funny, especially to outsiders. But it seems just so natural to all of us now that we hardly even notice we do it. Here we are, well into adulthood. And on holidays, we are watching like hawks to see if someone gets up and forgets to say it, which rarely happens — and there are plenty of seats. At this point, it’s more of a game."


11."When we don’t feel like cleaning the kitchen entirely after dinner, or leave the junk in the living room, whatever the case may be, we’re obligated to declare: 'Who closed last night!?' And then we blame it on the baby."

A young child with curly hair stands behind a dark wooden chair, looking up with a curious expression in a warmly lit room

12."My wife and I have a 'validation kiss.' If we're having a disagreement about something, and one of the people realizes they're wrong, you immediately have to sigh, grab the other person's cheeks, close your eyes, and then give the other person a deep 'validation kiss.' We also have red light kisses where we kiss each other (sometimes a peck, sometimes more) at every red light to remind ourselves that no matter how we're feeling, we love each other. Our daughters love it."


13."Have you found the body? My sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, and myself are avid readers. Our guilty pleasure is detective novels. We often get them gifted by each other and others, buy them or trade them among ourselves. The Body Rule: any detective book, started by any one of us, is free game if the reader has not yet gotten to the part where a body is found. So, if I visit my mom, and she started a new book, I ask if she's yet found the body. If not, I can also start reading it, and if I get to the body first, I have the priority now and can take the book home. We have polished off the rules during the years:"

Person sitting on a sofa, reading a book and holding a mug, surrounded by pillows and home decor. They appear relaxed and comfortable

14."Bandit, our aged Great Dane, gets the cushion on the far right of the orange couch. There are no exceptions, and no asking him to move; that’s his spot."


15."Either my wife or I can do any chore when noticed. We thank each other for routine chores as we appreciate each other."

Two people sitting in a cozy room, smiling and sharing a tender moment as they lean into each other affectionately

16."No big light."


"This is my wife’s thing — and not because the big light is too bright. She doesn’t like the way it lights the room."


17."Wash your hands upon getting home. The outside world be nasty."

Two hands covered in soap lather are being washed

18."When you’re sitting down, and you’ve misplaced something small (phone, remote control, etc.), you must get up and check under your butt before asking anyone else if they’ve seen the thing."


19."In our household, the unwritten rule is that you must perform a full interpretive dance routine to earn the right to use the TV remote. It keeps the peace and provides nightly entertainment."

A woman in a comfortable, casual robe joyfully dances in her living room, surrounded by bookshelves, potted plants, and wicker storage baskets
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

20."If you turn on a light in a dark room that has an inhabitant, you say, 'One, two, three, bright light,' so the person can cover their eyes or prepare for the shock of light."


21."Cooks don’t clean."

Person washing a yellow plate with a green sponge under running water in a kitchen sink

Do you have an unwritten rule in your household that would seem bizarre to outsiders? Tell us what it is and why in the comments below.