Cara Delevingne looks just like baby Cara after new hair colour transformation
Cara Delevingne's latest hair transformation was nothing bright, bold or outlandish. It wasn't striking like her recent dark neo-noir look, or on trend like her autumn stint with pumpkin spice latte hair, but it was no less notable. The supermodel has returned to a her original trademark hue from her late teens/early 20s – one she tends to revisits in between hair transformations – and it looks *chefs kiss*.
While Cara sported a slightly more light and bright blonde when she first burst onto the scene as a school girl, this soft, honey, multi-tonal blonde is undeniably the hue she was known for when she became a household name, and it really is her perfect colour. Just look what it does to her eyes!
Captioning the snap; "Ain’t no party like a Stella party", Cara was debuting the new look at Stella McCartney's Adidas launch party in LA, with her hair styled into those tousled waves by celebrity stylist Ryan Richman.
Snooping in Ryan's comments we pinpointed the creator of the new (slash old) cut and colour. Colourist Riawna Capri, popped up to ask Ryan; "Yesssss! Styled fab! 😍😍😍 you loving that new cut, color and length @ryanrichman!?! I am!!! 😍 @nikkilee901 she looks fire! We crushed! ❤️🧡💛"
They seriously did crush. And it was the same duo, Riawna and Nikki Lee, that took Cara Terracotta in late Autumn.
We've come to the conclusion there's no colour hair Cara doesn't suit, and if one did exist, it certainly wouldn't happen under Riawna and Nikki's watch.
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