Charitable fund gets rid of entire board in diversity push

Raj Hunjan has instigated  “wholesale change” of the family-led board
Raj Hunjan has instigated “wholesale change” of the family-led board

One of Britain’s biggest charitable trusts is dismissing its entire board as part of a diversity drive after branding itself  “white and privileged”.

The Tudor Trust, which has an endowment of £288 million and received £2.35m of government funding in 2018, wants a “more diverse group” and to put “social justice and anti-racism” at the heart of its work.

The group, which awards about £20 million a year through charitable grants, was founded in 1955 with the financial support of Sir Godfrey Mitchell, founder of the construction company George Wimpey. Several of his descendants have held trusteeships, including Matthew Dunwell and his brother Benjamin, both of whom could face the sack.

An email from interim chair Raji Hunjan of the Tudor Trust, seen by The Telegraph, reveals that the charity plans a “wholesale change” of the family-led board. New trustees and a permanent chair “more representative of the demographics and lived experiences of the communities we serve” will be appointed instead. The overhaul is expected to be complete by August 2024.

Matthew Dunwell, grandson of the founder,  faces being dismissed as a trustee
Matthew Dunwell, grandson of the founder, faces being dismissed as a trustee

The changes follow an internal “anti-racist review”, described in a press release last year as “a journey towards a better understanding of the history of racism”.

The trust said in March that it would move away from “its long history as a family trust” and replace trustees as part of a “reimagining process”. Ms Hunjan was appointed in June to oversee the transition, with the trust’s website touting her “commitment to racial and social justice”.

It is understood the trust is using Cadence Partners, a diversity and inclusion consultancy, for their hiring process. The group specialises in “inclusive recruitment” and “building talent pipelines” for “minority ethnic, disability, gender, LGBTQ+”, and lists revolutionary Marxist Angela Davis as “a voice for social justice”. Other clients for the group include the Trussell Trust and the RSPCA.

Several external figures have also been consulted in the search for the new board. This includes the co-founder of the Power & Integrity project, whose mission statement asserts that “colonialism, patriarchy, and racism intersect and underpin unjust societal ‘norms’” which skew society “in favour of existing privilege”.

Christopher Graves stepped down as  executive director in April
Christopher Graves stepped down as executive director in April

In November 2020, the trust released a ‘Racial Justice Statement’ in response to the racially “disproportionate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic” and Black Lives Matter protests. The statement acknowledged the “white and privileged” profile of the existing board, connecting their lack of representation to their status as a family-led trust.

The trust provides funding for a wide range of charitable organisations, and lists grants in their latest annual report to “a self-help charity in Glasgow led by and for racialised women” and a “CIC [community interest company] in Leeds taking a gendered approach to establishing and supporting user-led support groups”.

Racial justice

Ms Hunjan released a statement on LinkedIn in October advertising vacancies for a permanent chair and three trusteeships who can “centre intersectional racial justice in our work”. The trust’s decision is guided by a desire to be “governed by a more diverse group of trustees”.

The trust listed 18 employees headquartered at their Notting Hill office in their 2022 account filing. According to the leaked email, the organisation is now “very small”, with a public posting on the group’s website advertising for “three trustees, including a chair designate” in the first round of hiring. The email notes that some staff have already left the organisation.

Christopher Graves, who was paid a salary of £120,000, stepped down from his position as executive director in April after 38 years of service. He has not taken up a position at another organisation.

Shilpa Shah stood down as trustee in March 2022 to take on the role of independent facilitator during the “reimagining”. Alongside the head of finance Aabida Mohmed, she leads the “Racial Justice Organising Group” within Tudor which seeks to “develop approaches to strengthen psychological safety for racialised colleagues”.

The trust drew criticism in the spring after announcing a pause on new applicants for grants in order to focus on internal racial justice, citing a desire to learn about “white supremacy culture”. Grant-making capabilities will be reopened next year guided by the new chair, with applicants asked to list whether their operations are led by “BAME, deaf or disabled people.”

Grant-making decisions

Baroness Tina Stowell, former head of the Charity Commission, said that “grant-making charitable foundations are powerful contributors to charities delivering huge benefits to people and communities. It’s a matter for every foundation which charities they choose to support but it would be worrying, and could limit the benefit of charitable endeavour, if foundations allowed contested political agendas to start influencing grant-making decisions”.

A spokesperson for the Tudor Trust stated that the group “has embarked on a well-publicised step change in its mission, which involves reviewing the giving priorities of the charity to reflect contemporary needs of our grantee community.

“As part of that planned evolution, the trustees resolved to refresh the board with the objective of making it more representative of the demographics and lived experiences of the communities we serve. We’re immensely grateful to all our trustees who helped us reach this stage in our journey and wish all those who decided to take this opportunity to pass on the baton all the best for the future.”

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