Chrissy Teigen and Luna Met Alicia Silverstone in Her Iconic Yellow Plaid Clueless Outfit

Mr Hall was way harsh. He gave me a C minus.>> Well, he gave me a C, which drags down my entire average.>> [MUSIC] Thomas, we've got it under control! Tai are you okay? Travis, Tai would have wanted you to enjoy the party [MUSIC] Cher's got attitude about high school boys. It's a personal choice every woman has got to make for themselves. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]

Halloween may still be a week away, but don’t tell that to Alicia Silverstone. The Clueless actress got dressed up in arguably the most iconic costume she’s ever worn on screen, and she had the best audience there to appreciate it.

Silverstone met up with InStyle cover star Chrissy Teigen and her adorable 18-month-old daughter, Luna, wearing none other than her well-known Cher Horowitz yellow plaid suit.

You’re sure to recognize the outfit as one of Cher’s finest from the classic ‘90s movie, and that’s really saying something considering how insanely fashionable the film was. Teigen, for her part, seemed to appreciate the moment. "How am I supposed to sleep? I think I've asked for 2 photos in my entire life. @AliciaSilv and Beyoncé,” Teigen wrote on Twitter.

Teigen has gotten her photograph with Beyoncé before, so we think her bucket list is looking pretty complete right about now. Silverstone and Teigen met up for a taping of Lip Syc Battle, but it won’t be broadcast until January. Thankfully, we got a great photo out of it now, because for a moment this legendary, who can wait that long?

It’s official guys—Silverstone won Halloween this year before it even began.