Comet only visible every 160,000 years to appear in UK skies this week

rare comet visible in uk skies
How to see rare comet this week Ruhey - Getty Images

Stargazers are in for a real treat, as a comet only visible every 160,000 years will appear in UK skies this week.

According to the latest calculations reported by the Planetary Society, Comet G3 ATLAS (C/2024) could be the brightest comet in 20 years and has been described as "the best comet of 2025".

When is the best time to see the Comet G3 ATLAS (C/2024)?

The best time to see the comet is when it reaches peak brightness on Monday 13th January in the evening. It may also be visible until 18th January, if it survives perihelion.

"Comets are typically brightest at perihelion when they are closest to the Sun. Comet C/2024 G3 will reach perihelion on January 13, 2025 (it will be located in the constellation Sagittarius)," says an expert at Star Walk.

see rare comet in the uk sky this week
ClaudioVentrella - Getty Images

"Some say C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) may become easily visible to the naked eye around its peak brightness and even appear in the daylight. However, astronomers are skeptical about this perspective at the moment."

To track the comet, use the Sky Tonight app by typing "C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)" in the search bar and tapping the target icon next to the result. You'll then see the comet's location on the map to see how it changes position.

What is a comet?

Comets are large objects made of dust and ice that orbit the sun. According to, they are left over from the formation of the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago. Comets occasionally streak through the inner solar system, however many only ever do so once every few centuries.

You will see a comet more clearly using a telescope or binoculars, however, a sighting is never guaranteed.

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