Confused About How All This Royal Drama Unfolded? We Gotchu

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Gather round, internet, because we have a lot to discuss. As you’ve likely heard, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got the f*ck outta England after months of royal feud drama, and honestly, the whole thing is a mess. New developments are emerging about the couple’s decision every damn minute, and if you’re enormously confused by this saga, fear not, friends. We’re keeping track of every single update with a handy timeline that you can whip out next time your mom/BFF/annoying royal-obsessed coworker asks for your ~hot take~ on 2020’s biggest scandal. Ready? LOL, me neither, but here goes!

January 8, 2020

Meghan and Harry casually hit Instagram and drop the bombshell news that they intend to step back as senior royals, become financially independent, and split their time between North America and the United Kingdom. Wowowowowow. Here’s exactly what they put in their Insta caption:

“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to the Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages.”

Meghan and Harry also reveal a shiny new website outlining how they plan to distance themselves from the Royal Rota system of reporting and instead engage with grassroots media organizations and up-and-coming journalists. In other words, they’re giving a big FU to the British press (some of which the couple happens to be suing).

And in a pretty shocking twist, it turns out that the rest of the royal family has received zero heads-up about what Meghan and Harry are up to, with BBC News royal correspondent Jonny Dymond tweeting, “BBC understands that no other member of the Royal Family was consulted before Harry and Meghan issued their personal statement tonight. The Palace is understood to be ‘disappointed.’”

Buckingham Palace then goes ahead and drops the most terse and salty statement E-V-E-R, saying, “Discussion with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand the desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through.”

There are obviously a *lot* of unanswered questions (will the Sussexes keep their titles?!), especially with regards to how Archie’s parents will truly distance themselves from the Queen’s fortune. But, um, is now a good time to mention that both Meghan’s *and* Harry’s net worths are beyond massive? And their real estate portfolio isn’t too shabby either. They’ll be juuust fine.

January 9, 2020

Reports stream in about how the royals are feeling about Prince Harry peacing out, and one is okay! Let’s start with Prince William because this source quote from Us Weekly is pretty telling:

“William was blindsided by Harry and Meghan’s decision and statement....There’s still a rift between the two brothers. It’s sad because when they were younger, William would be the first person Harry would go to with big news like this....William is incredibly hurt, but at the same time, he has his own family to focus on and is trying to move forward with his life.”

Meanwhile, check out this series of quotes from royal aides who spoke to the Daily Mail, claiming the Queen and her fam were “deeply disappointed” by Meghan and Harry:

“People had bent over backward for them. They were given the wedding they wanted, the house they wanted, the office they wanted, the money they wanted, the staff they wanted, the tours they wanted and had the backing of their family. What more did they want?”

“It’s deeply unfair to the Queen, who doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. It is a shoddy way to treat her. The family understands that they want to do something different and is perfectly willing to help them. People are just devastated.”

“The level of deceit has been staggering and everyone from the top of the royal household to the bottom feels like they have been stabbed in the back.”

Oh, and if you’re wondering how Prince Charles feels about the whole thing, a source tells The Sun he’s “incandescent with rage,” which is...yikes:

There is fury over how they’ve done this without any thought for the implications for the institution. The Queen is deeply upset. The Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge are incandescent with rage. Courtiers can’t believe it. There are so many unanswered questions but they’ve just up and done it without a thought for anyone else. The plan was there to discuss it and work out a way that works for everyone in the family.”

Completely insane, right? But plot twist: In the middle of this total sh*tshow, Kate Middleton reminds everyone that it’s her freakin’ birthday and drops a casual portrait of herself perched on a fence giving zero effs:

Meghan and Harry comment on her post, writing, “Wishing a very happy birthday to The Duchess of Cambridge today! 🎂❤️” which we can all agree is a nice gesture. Buuut apparently, William isn’t having it, and a source tells Us Weekly that “Harry and Meghan rubbed salt into the wounds by making the huge announcement a day before Kate’s birthday. It hasn’t gone down well with William.”

At this point, the internet starts to get pretty judgy about how Meghan and Harry are handling this whole thing, but hark! A new report comes through claiming Harry tried to meet with the Queen about his plans and was shot down by her courtiers.

According to the Evening Standard, our dude “originally contacted Prince Charles about spending more time in Canada and America just before Christmas” and then asked for a “summit with the Queen at Sandringham.” She said yes, but THEN, the meeting was reportedly blocked by palace courtiers (!!!!) and the Queen told Harry not to go public. Which, well...he did anyway.

January 10, 2020

Already exhausted? Sorry, there’s still so much to discuss thanks to the extremely !!!! news that Meghan peaced out of England and returned to Canada to reunite with Archie (and her two dogs), leaving Harry to deal with fallout from his family. FYI, the trip is said to be temporary, with royal reporter Chris Ship tweeting that Meghan should be back in the UK within several days:

Meanwhile, we finally get some insight into *why* Meghan and Harry want to step down as senior royals, with Harry’s friend Tom Bradby saying that “really bad personal splits” are behind their decision. He also dramatically muses, “There’ve been a lot of fallouts; a lot of harsh things were said around the time of the wedding. And it’s gone a bit too far. And certainly the rest of the family find Harry and Meghan very difficult, and from Harry and Meghan’s point of view, they’re just being driven out, as they see it. And it’s sad.”

P.S. Meghan’s half-sister Samantha Markle also chimes in (because of course she does), giving this salty statement:

“It is a slap in the face. I think what is shocking is the lack of consideration for the people involved, the British royal family, the promises that were originally made to honor royal duties and to lead by example....They stepped into the spotlight knowing what the duties were, knowing what the media would be like for them. If she wanted to be so private, she wouldn’t have sat at Wimbledon with 40 empty seats around her.”

January 11, 2020

Harry’s friend JJ Chalmers hits up The One Show and spills a bunch of tea on why Harry wants out, saying, “The decision that he has made, at the forefront of that is to protect his family because that’s the number one rule is to be a father and to be a husband.” He continues:

“Any husband wants to protect their wife, and any father wants to protect their children. Particularly when he’s a very principled individual, and so when he looks at how the media, for example, reacts and how social media talks about someone, he has to answer to his son one day when he begins to understand this and be able to look him in the face and say, ‘I made the right decision, and I did right by you.’ And ultimately, he grew up in the limelight and he knows how this can end if it’s not handled correctly.”

In addition to this insight, a source confirms to Us Weekly that Meghan and Harry were pressured into making their announcement because British tabloid The Sun scooped them. Per the source: “It was the paper’s front page hours before the official announcement, so Harry and Meghan technically didn’t beat them to it.”

Meanwhile at the palace, the Queen tells officials to “turn a crisis into an opportunity” and come up with a plan in case future generations (aka Princess Charlotte or Prince Louis) decide to step down as senior royals.

Ah, this is simply too much! On top of alllll that, news breaks that Meghan has reportedly inked a deal to do voice-over work with Disney in exchange for a donation to a wildlife charity called Elephants Without Borders. Watch a video of Prince Harry seemingly talking to Disney CEO Bob Iger about the op here:

January 12, 2020

The Sunday Times claims that Prince William has expressed “sadness” about his severed bond with Harry, reportedly telling a friend:

“I’ve put my arm around my brother all our lives and I can’t do that anymore; we’re separate entities. All we can do, and all I can do, is try and support them and hope that the time comes when we’re all singing from the same page. I want everyone to play on the team.”

Meanwhile, The Sun reports that Harry and Meghan “fast-tracked” plans to step down because Harry was concerned about Meghan’s happiness:

“The statement was rushed out and part of the reason for that is that Harry knew he needed to take swift action. Meghan has not settled in the UK and he knows that and wants her to be happy....He feared staying in the UK too long would lead to Meghan having a meltdown.”

Clearly, things are a mess, so the Queen schedules a summit in Sandringham with Harry, William, Charles, and Meghan (who plans to call in from Canada). A source lays out what they’ll discuss, saying:

“Following a series of meetings and consultations across the last few days, there is a range of possibilities for the family to review which take into account the thinking the Sussexes outlined earlier in the week. As we have said previously, making a change to the working life and role of the monarchy for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex requires complex and thoughtful discussions. Next steps will be agreed at the meeting. The request for this to be resolved ‘at pace’ is still Her Majesty’s wish. The aim remains days, not weeks. There is genuine agreement and understanding that any decision will take time to be implemented.”

January 13, 2020

Ahead of the royal summit (and amid speculation that a tell-all interview is coming), Prince Harry and Prince William issue a joint statement through their spokesperson, saying, “Despite clear denials, a false story ran in a UK newspaper today speculating about the relationship between The Duke of Sussex and The Duke of Cambridge. For brothers who care so deeply about the issues surrounding mental health, the use of inflammatory language in this way is offensive and potentially harmful.”

We also find out that Kate Middleton is allegedly super “hurt” by Harry’s decision and “hates seeing her husband so upset.”

But wait, there’s more! The Queen releases her first official statement following Meghan and Harry’s announcement—and it’s pretty shady. Notably, she does NOT call them “duke and duchess,” which, gulp. Read it in full here:

“Today my family had very constructive discussions on the future of my grandson and his family. My family and I are entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan’s desire to create a new life as a young family. Although we would have preferred them to remain full-time working Members of the Royal Family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family. Harry and Meghan have made clear that they do not want to be reliant on public funds in their new lives. It has therefore been agreed that there will be a period of transition in which the Sussexes will spend time in Canada and the UK. These are complex matters for my family to resolve, and there is some more work to be done, but I have asked for final decisions to be reached in the coming days.”

Shortly after this, the British press and the Canadian press release opposing stories on whether Meghan and Harry’s security detail will be covered by Canadian taxpayer money, with the Evening Standard claiming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada would pay an estimated £500,000 pounds in taxpayer dollars for the Sussexes’ security needs. Meanwhile, Canada’s finance minister, Bill Morneau, says he hasn’t come to a decision yet, telling a CBC reporter, “No, we haven’t spent any time thinking about this issue. We obviously are always looking to make sure, as a member of the Commonwealth, we play a role. We have not had any discussions on that subject at this time.”

January 14, 2020

Amid speculation that Meghan was “barred” from calling into the royal summit, the palace releases a statement saying that “the Sussexes decided that it wasn’t necessary for The Duchess to join.”

We also get a little more insight into Prince William and Prince Harry’s drama, with a source telling The Sun they had a “falling out” right before a summer polo match and tensions escalated as a result. Yiiikes.

January 18, 2020

The palace releases a statement from Queen Elizabeth, saying she’s come to an “agreement” with Harry and Meghan:

“Following many months of conversations and more recent discussions, I am pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family. Harry, Meghan, and Archie will always be much-loved members of the family. I recognize the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life. I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family. It is my whole family’s hope that today’s agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life.”

Details about the agreement are also released, and the major takeaways are that Harry and Meghan are giving up their royal titles, will no longer receive public funds, will pay back the country for their Frogmore Cottage renovations, will pay rent on said cottage, and can no longer represent the Queen. Wow!

January 19, 2020

Prince Harry gives a lengthy speech about his “royal exit,” which you can read in full over here. In it, he says the following:

“I want you to hear the truth from me, as much as I can share—not as a Prince or a Duke but as Harry, the same person that many of you have watched grow up over the last 35 years—but with a clearer perspective. The UK is my home and a place that I love. That will never change. I have grown up feeling support from so many of you, and I watched as you welcomed Meghan with open arms as you saw me find the love and happiness that I had hoped for all my life. Finally, the second son of Diana got hitched, hooray! I also know you’ve come to know me well enough over all these years to trust that the woman I chose as my wife upholds the same values as I do. And she does, and she’s the same woman I fell in love with. We both do everything we can to fly the flag and carry out our roles for this country with pride. Once Meghan and I were married, we were excited, we were hopeful, and we were here to serve. For those reasons, it brings me great sadness that it has come to this. The decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back is not one I made lightly. It was so many months of talks after so many years of challenges. And I know I haven’t always gotten it right, but as far as this goes, there really was no other option.”

On top of that, a royal source tells People that the arrangement, which goes into effect spring 2020, will last for a year before the royal fam revisits it—presumably to see if it’s working out for everyone.

January 21, 2020

In a rather interesting update, we find out that the Queen had thoughts of removing Meghan and Harry’s Sussex titles (they would have been downgraded to earl and countess) but ultimately decided not to. Why? Because she isn’t interested in being “petty,” according to the Evening Standard. True story! “The Sussex title is one of the ancient royal dukedoms given to him ahead of his wedding to Meghan along with other titles. Removing it was seriously considered and discussed at the highest level,” the publication confirms.

February 22, 2020

Meghan and Harry are no longer allowed to use the word “royal” in any of their branding by order of the Queen, meaning that their website and Instagram handle will have to go by a new name. In response to the news, Meghan and Harry post a statement on their website:

“While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word ‘Royal’ overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use ‘Sussex Royal’ or any iteration of the word ‘Royal’ in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020.”

The statement also adds:

“The trademark applications that had been filed as protective measures and that reflected the same standard trademarking requests as done for The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been removed.”

Apparently, losing the trademark makes Meghan furious. A Daily Mail source reveals that Meghan vented to her “inner circle” about it and believes it “shouldn’t even be an issue in the first place and it’s not like they want to be in the business of selling T-shirts and pencils....She said they know what their true intentions are and that’s all that matters.”

And if that wasn’t spicy enough already, Megan is reportedly done with the drama and tension in the royal fam. “Meghan said she is done with the drama and has no room in her life for naysayers, and the same goes for Harry,” the source adds. “Meghan has told her inner circle that their success is inevitable with or without their current brand name....She said regardless of the name, Harry and Archie have royal blood and no one can take that away. And that as a family, they will always be considered royalty.”

Meghan’s in good company, because guess what! The Queen is pretty pissed off about this too. She thinks that Meghan and Harry handled the trademark rejection poorly and is “so disappointed that her own grandchild would heap so much embarrassment on the monarchy and bring all this unwanted attention on his family at the worst possible time,” a source told Us Weekly. Oof.

While all of this is going on, Meghan and Harry also release a separate statement on their website about how they felt leaving behind their “loyal” staff members at Frogmore Cottage. They wrote:

“Based on The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s desire to have a reduced role as members of The Royal Family, it was decided in January that their Institutional Office would have to be closed, given the primary funding mechanism for this official office at Buckingham Palace is from HRH The Prince of Wales. The Duke and Duchess shared this news with their team personally in January once they knew of the decision and have worked closely with their staff to ensure a smooth transition for each of them.

“Over the last month and a half, The Duke and Duchess have remained actively involved in this process, which has understandably been saddening for The Duke and Duchess and their loyal staff, given the closeness of Their Royal Highnesses and their dedicated team.”

February 26, 2020

Harry asks to be called by his first name only during his last set of royal engagements, which for some reason makes me feel EXTREMELY emo. During the Travalyst working summit in Scotland, host Ayesha Hazarika introduces Harry before he steps onto the stage, saying, “He wants to say a few words to kick-start the day, and he’s made it clear that we are all just to call him ‘Harry.’ So, ladies and gentlemen, please give a big Scottish welcome to Harry.” Nope, I am not crying!

February 27, 2020

Looks like Canada won’t be footing the bill for Meghan and Harry’s security anymore! The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, also known as RCMP, issues a statement through CBC and says:

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex choosing to relocate to Canada on a part-time basis presented our government with a unique and unprecedented set of circumstances. The RCMP has been engaged with officials in the UK from the very beginning regarding security considerations.

“As the Duke and Duchess are currently recognized as Internationally Protected Persons, Canada has an obligation to provide security assistance on an as-needed basis. At the request of the Metropolitan Police, the RCMP has been providing assistance to the Met since the arrival of the Duke and Duchess to Canada intermittently since November 2019. The assistance will cease in the coming weeks, in keeping with their change in status.”

Since Harry and Meghan will no longer be covered by the good country of Canada, they’ll have to start paying out of pocket for it. On their Sussex Royal website, Meghan and Harry discuss the issue, saying:

“It is agreed that The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue to require effective security to protect them and their son. This is based on The Duke’s public profile by virtue of being born into The Royal Family, his military service, the Duchess’s own independent profile, and the shared threat and risk level documented specifically over the last few years.”

March 3, 2020

Harry and the Queen meet for an emotional four-hour heart-to-heart so they can talk about all the drama surrounding Megxit. Thankfully, it goes really well! The Queen allegedly offers Harry and Meghan a chance to come back if they ever change their minds about the whole thing. According to The Sun’s Dan Wootton, the Queen concludes their conversation by saying, “You are much loved and will always be welcomed back,” and a source says that “hopefully, it cleared the air.”

“The Queen had a lot to talk to Harry about and this was the ideal time for them to both say their piece,” the source explains. “When Harry and Meghan announced they wanted to quit, it all happened very quickly and it was very stressful for all concerned. Sunday was the first time the Queen has had the chance to talk to Harry on his own and really find out what his plans are. It was a much more relaxed environment and they were both able to speak their mind.”

So, like, does that mean the Queen is letting all this drama become water under the bridge? Er, not quite. The source says the Queen is still “very upset about him and Meghan leaving and she would love to see more of Archie, as would Prince Charles and the rest of the family. But she accepts at the moment that his mind is made up and he intends to live in North America.”

The Queen also clarifies some things to Harry. Apparently, she “wanted to make it clear that the arrangement can only work if they do not exploit their royal status and try to ‘cash in’—that’s why she wouldn’t let them use the word ‘royal’ for their foundation. The Queen is protecting the institution and she is also aware of the cost of security. That is something that still needs to be resolved. But Harry is also a much-loved grandson who she has always doted on. She made it very clear to him that he and Meghan are always able to come back if they change their minds and she will welcome them with open arms.”

It’s a start!

March 9, 2020

Meghan and Harry attend Commonwealth Day—alongside William and Kate—for their last royal event before formally stepping back from their senior royal duties. Meghan shows up in a LEWK:

Commonwealth Day Service 2020
Karwai Tang - Getty Images

Lewks aside, though, things are a bit weird because for the first time, Meghan, Harry, Kate, and William are asked not to join in on the Queen’s official royal procession during the Commonwealth Day service. Apparently, this hurt Meghan and Harry’s feelings, as a Daily Mail source says they feel “quite sensitive and emotional about it.” I mean, hey—they are still royals until March 31! If I were in their shoes, I’d be kinda pissed too.

Also, the greeting between Harry, Meghan, Kate, and William was extremely tense and “lackluster.”

March 11, 2020

Kate is reportedly still taking the royal rift “badly.” One of Katie Nicholl’s sources said, “She, Harry, and William were once such a happy trio. She thinks what has happened is all very sad.” On top of that, an Us source claimed, “There’s too much mud under the bridge at this point for any meaningful communication.” They added, “They’re cordial, but that’s about as far as it goes.”

March 15, 2020

Uh, Harry reportedly thinks that in addition to him and Meghan being treated unfairly by the royal family, he thinks Archie “has been abandoned” by the family as well. Unsurprisingly, “those close to the brothers say things between them are worse than ever.”

March 25, 2020

Although William and Harry’s relationship is on the rocks, Meghan reportedly thinks the pandemic has brought them closer together and there’s hope they will reconcile. Daily Mail reported:

“Meghan told her inner circle of friends that Harry has been communicating with Prince William and the Queen on a pretty consistent basis. She said this world crisis has actually brought them all closer together, especially Harry and his brother.”

March 26, 2020

Since Meghan’s last day as a royal is March 31, it’s only natural she starts thinking about what her next job is gonna be! And lucky for us, her first post-royal gig is being the narrator of a Disney+ movie about elephants, which we can all watch in the comfort confines of our own homes come April 3.

March 27, 2020

Even though everyone was sure Meghan and Harry would stay in their secluded Vancouver Island, they up and moved to Los Angeles. According to Entertainment Tonight, it was always their plan to eventually be based in California since their work life will be focused in the U.S.

Since we’re all in the middle of a pandemic, they haven’t had the chance to explore their new neighborhood, but sources say they’re working on how they can help the global community from their home amid coronavirus concerns.

Also, Meghan continues to work on even more career moves and is reportedly considering rebooting The Tig and releasing a cookbook.

March 30, 2020

A day before Meghan and Harry were to officially step back as members of the royal family, they took to their @SussexRoyal Instagram account to announce they won’t be using it anymore and to thank everyone for their support the past couple of years. The couple wrote, “While you may not see us here, the work continues....Until then, please take good care of yourselves and of one another.”

Stay tuned for more updates, because in case you haven’t noticed, this story is developing faster than you can say, “Calm TF down, 2020.”

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